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T-Kun's 'fficial Instructions (Now With Ramble)
Basically, anything on my mind. Summaries of my day, rants, rambles, thoughts. I've always got something on my mind. Also, I am required by law to inform you that there are Zombies lurking. Have a nice day.
Was Bored
So I ripped this from a friend's journal.

Lets start with you.
Age: 17
Gender: None, both. [Female, really.]
Nicknames: Woofy, Woof-chan (only Kai and Kage can call me that), Tri, Tri-Kun, T-Kun, TK
Height: 5' 1''
Weight: ...*Shoots the question*
Natural hair color: Black
Hairstyle: Two blue streaks up front (those used to be my bangs). Hair is a few inches past shoulder length. Wavy (UNFORTUNATELY).
Skin color: Latina. The only way I can describe it.
Any freckles? No.
Birthmarks? Uh...one on my left ear, on the side, right above the lobe. And one somewhere on my stomach. And others in random places I can't remember.
Scars? Very, very faint one on my right elbow. Two inches. Barely noticeable.
Eye color: Brown.

Defining your Personality...
I cherish... the moments spent with those I care about.
I enjoy... Video games (Legend of Zelda especially), drawing, writing, singing, listening to music, talking to some of my crazy friends on the east coast (not just you, Sev), talking to my crazy friends on THIS coast (Lol), INTERNETZ INTERNETZ INTERNETZ
My heart is... [Insert emotion] I don't know.
One thing I do not to joke about is... I joke about pretty much everything...except for serious matters, such as fights amongst friends and such.
I believe love... well, this would best be described by my stance on relationships. Though not necessary, it can make life more bearable. And though there can be lots of pain and loss, when and if you find the right person, it is the single best thing in the wrold. Nothing stands above it.
I can be mean when I... have had my patience worn down, which takes a LOT. Proven fact: with my friends, I have two-year patience spans. I've put up with a LOT of s**t from some people for roughly two years before I finally snapped.
I can be nice when I... am in a good mood. Not pissed? Well really, in general. People are always telling me I'm nice and fun to be around.
Sometimes I pretend to be... in the past, somewhere in my memories...time spent with Kage.
I seek... nothing at the moment. Nothing profound, anyways.
I try to be... loyal, fun, reliable, kind, trust-worthy, honest, strong (emotionally)
I understand that... I can be childish or immature at times. Everyone has their moments, and I'm no exception. I try to learn from those stupid moments of irrationality.
I wish... That I could freeze myself in time with the man that I love, so we would never have to let go.

(Scale: 1-5)
How attractive do you think you are? I can't vote on this. My friends will complain at me if I put myself down > .>
Intelligent? Academically, only about 2 or 3. But for life, 4.
Empathetic? Depends on the situation.
Polite? As polite as an innuendo-cracking teenager can be. I'm not really rude to my friends, but I don't know how to define "polite" around them. In front of people
s parents, however, it's definitely a 5. I won't even speak, lol
Respectful? Depends.
Comical? Depends. If I'm with friends, then 5.
Mature? I feel like I've gotten about as mature as I ever will, but I don't know where to rate it.
Unique? 3.5
Talkative? Around friends, 5. At home, 2. Elsewhere, 0.
Depressed? Not anymore. I have Kage to thank for that. He helped me turn my life around. Therefore, 0.
Friendly? To friends. 5. Otherwise, forget about it. I can be pretty hostile if I don't already know you. At least, at school. If someone who I don't know talks to me, I tend to be very sarcastic towards them.
Outgoing? More so than I was, say, three years ago. But I don't think I'm kaing any new friends. Throughout my life it's gone 0 (Kindergarten), 1 (all of elementary school, 6th and 7th grade), 2 (8th grade), 1(Freshman and sophomore years), 2.5 (junior year). As for this, my senior year...I don't talk to anyone. Again.
Selfish? We all are, sometimes. I don't know where I fall.
Arrogant? You're the worst judge of yourself. You think too heavily one on end. There's usually no middle ground. In other words, my friends would be better judges for this.
Prudent? I don't know, really. Am I?
Self-conscious? It fluctuates. Most of the time, it's at 0, but sometimes it can shoot up to 5 fast.

Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? Most of the time, no. This relates to my "self conscious" rating, though; sometimes I'm not, others I can be over-the-top-freaking-out-I-hate-myself. But that's usually only when something has REALLY depressed me, and that bitchy part of me that says all the bad things comes out and tells me what a shitty person I am, and how ashamed I should be of myself.
How about your reputation? I have a reputation? *Laughs* But really...I only care what my friends think of me.
Do you care if they consider your personality annoying? If it's someone I don't know, then ******** them. If it;s a friend, then I'm devastated.
Do you care about what they think of your beliefs? PFFF. YEAH RIGHT.
What does hatred mean to you? Seething. Spite. Complete animosity towards a person, to the point where you get physically ill thinking of them. Just THINKING about them! The feeling of having your heart torn out. A whisper in the hallways, followed by a bitter laugh from someone you thought you knew. Having someone actually tell you "your feelings don't matter" Finding out what someone's been saying about you behind your back when you never said a bad word about them...I'm just pouring in my experiences now. Forget it.
Do you respect yourself? That's a tough one. I'd respect me if I were another person. Uh..I don't know how well that came out. I don't know how to explain what I want. I don't respect me as me? I don't know.
Would you ever ignore someone who has been emotionally hurt? No. because I've been there.
Physically? No. Because I've been there, too.
Would you ever intentionally and physically hurt someone? We all give our friends some smacking around sometimes, but I would never take it to an extreme. A playful punch on the arm or smack on the shoulder is nothing. Even whenI hit Cody on the head, I don't do it hard, so it's obvious I don't mean to hurt him. However, if it was someone who had done something to earn it, then yes. Yes I would.
Intentionally and emotionally? Not a friend. Never. Again, someone who earned it, yes. When you've gotten me to hate you, you're dead. I will avoid you and you'd better damned well stay away from me if you don't want me to shred you to pieces verbally.
Would you ever hurt someone just for fun? Uhh...not in real life, no. THAT'S WHAT VIDEO GAMES ARE FOR : D
Do the means ever justify the ends? .-. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?? D: I'M CONFUSED. I DON'T KNOW. I HATE THAT PHRASE.

Color: Black. For those of you who are picky, HOMICIDE BLUE; The color of my hair when it's been freshly dyed.
Number: 4, 5, 13. 1,562!
Book: Lots of them.
Television program: None.
Movie: SLC Punk, Kamikaze Girls
Series: Of what? Lots.
Season: Winter.
Nature sound: A stream flowing by.
Country: [Insert generic gamer/manga addict response, A.K.A Japan]
Landscape: A forest bordering a lake. A snowy mountain peak.
Ice cream flavor: Rocky road, mint chocolate chip, PISTACHIO, WHICH I CAN NEVER FIND.
Fruit: Ummm...peaches, I guess.
Vegetable: Carrots.
Cookie: Choclate chip? So generic. I also like sugar cookies and GINGERBREAD. Which I've literally only had twice in my life.
Subject in school: Game Design : D Chemistry (last year)
Animal: Dog, Wolf.
Band: Green Day!
Hair color: Umm...I don't care as long as it isn't yellow or pink.
Eye color: Don't have one.
Book character: Uhh...that one person. From that one book, you know? With that scene where that guy did that thing?
Scent: Pine. heart
Sound: Kage's voice. My friends' laughter. Music.

Would you Ever...
Sacrifice everything for a friend? Depends on how close I really am to them. Outer circle? I dunno. Four closest? Yes. Two best? Definitely.
A lover? Yes. In fact, yes isn't even the right word. There's no word to express how strongly I feel about this.
Give your life for a friend? Ditto number one.
A lover? I love him so much. So, so much. I would do anything for him, including having to lose myself.
Lie to a friend? No.
Lie to your parents? Uhhh...I have before. But they're not harmful lies.
Lie to a lover? Never have, never will.
Steal from your parents? No.
Hug them in public? I go out in public With my parents? What? But honestly, I barely even come into contact with them at home. I don't know.
Blow up your house? Explosions are fun, but unless my house is infested with Zombies, no. The explosion wouldn't kill them anyways. Neither would the following fire.
Abuse someone? Not REALLY. I pretend to abuse people, though. Like Cody. and Kage. But he's my boyfriend, so it's the playful kind of abuse. razz
Use someone? Not someone I care about. I've probably used someone in the past. But I didn't care about them anyways.

Would you ever Be...
A fireman? Uh, no.
Policeman? No.
Serial killer? HAHAHAHA no.
Doctor? No...needles terrify me. I want to vomit just THINKING or READING about them. Even hearing about them makes me feel sick.
Prostitute? [Insert long string of extreme obscenities]. In short, HELLZ-A ******** NO.
Playboy model? Ditto the above.
Writer? If I had that much talent.
Artist? I kinda sorta am, but I'd never actually make it anywhere with my art.
Musician? I dunno. Don;t think so.
Assassin? Not in real life. In the fantasy world, though, yes.
Ninja? I am Ninja, he is Ninja, she is Ninja too. I am Ninja, we are Ninja, but I believe that you are Ninja too~
Soldier? No. It already pains me enough to think of my brother being part of the National Guard.
President? We;d have one ******** country. But ******** up in the good way.
Darth Vader? LOL NO.
Pilot? *Crashes and burns*
Mortician? No.
Forensic scientist? Interesting, but no.
Detective? Nope.
Lawyer? *Epic Finger Pointing* OBJECTION! (But no.)
Drug-dealer? Are you KIDDING me? HELL NO.
Pirate? *Repeats the "Ask A Ninja" theme song*
Box-carrier? What? Like, a UPS or FedEx worker who delivers stuff? No.
Store clerk? I don't know.
Banker? Nope.
Criminal? Hell no.
Target? Not if it's the bad kind, Or the big-chain-store kind xD
Professional wrestler? Eww. No.
Tennis player? I like tennis. But no.
Rapper? The teenagers of today wish. HELL NO.
Country singer? ...Who's asking these questions? Can I hurt them?
Pop star? I don't like siging in front of people I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable.
Actor? I'm a good actress, but I have the worst stage fright ever,
Plastic surgeon? No.

Do any of These scare You?
Spiders. YES.
Goblins. No.
Rodents. No. But diseased ones do indeed worry me.
Creatures. What kind?
Bees. Sort of...yes.
Fire. Not really. Unless it's consuming my house.
Death. I'm afraid of dying in a violent manner.
Old age. I'm afraid of getting Alzheimer's or something like that and forgetting all the good times.
Lizards. Yes.
Crowds. Used to be...until the Mosh Pit at the MSI concert. ********. Awesome. Now crowds just make me want to Mosh.
People. Uhhh...depends on who it is.
Butterflies. Bugs and insects and such creep me out.
Blood and gore. I was raised on horror movies from the age of three and a half. No. And if it's real, I can take it pretty well. As long as there are no needles or people I care about involved. Did I mention no needles?
Ants. No. But they're annoying little ********.
The unknown. No. but Kage is afraid of the Pokemon. :]
Ghosts. I choose not to answer this.
Aliens. I don't even believe in them.
Medication. No.
Doctors. No.
Hospitals. No...unless I see or head about a needle.
Satanism. No.
Nazis. Lol?!
Serial killers. Yes.
Psychopaths. I guess.
The mentally ill. I guess it depends on what they have.
Sadists. No.
Dinosaurs. No.
Tornadoes. I live in CA.
Thunderstorms. I've never been through one.
Volcanoes. No.
The ocean. No.
Deep water. No.
Clowns. No. I think they're annoying.
Dolls. Only the more realistic-looking ones.
Mirrors. Kind of...
The dark. Sometimes. I get paranoid, too.
Bloody Mary. No.
Windows. No.
Sharks. No.
Insects. they creep me the ******** out.
People with deformities. No.
Strange people. Then I would be afraid of myself. And I love me.
Strangers. Not really. Unless they're acting creepy or are constantly staring at me (I HATE that).
Failure. Aren't we all?
Being alone. This is my biggest fear, without a doubt. I'm so afraid of being alone. Being left behind. Being abandoned.
The Apocalypse. The ZOMBIE Apocalypse. But I'll know what to do.
Pandemics. Yes.
Being forgotten. By those I love, yes. Otherwise, I could just fade from memory, and it wouldn;t matter. If they forget me, then I probably forgot them, too, and it just means that we didn't make impressions on each other.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Ranger Myst
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 18, 2008 @ 06:36am
*wants to steal and try this herself* xDD;;
Maybe on DA before I leave for a month.

I literally cracked up at some of your answers XD;;
rofl...lawyer and country singer xDDD;;

okay, I'm going to bed now rofl

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 19, 2008 @ 07:29pm
Oho! This looks familiar. ;]
It's very enlightening too. I'm learning all kinds of things I didn't exactly know about you. ='3

Tc Frorleivus Almus Ph
Community Member
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