All about me!
okay for my first entry im gonna tell u about me! blaugh first, im a 14 yr old girl with black hair and green eyes. my mom says that im still 7 but im trapped in a 14yr old body like if you open a history text book and see a naked guy holding up a wall or something-youll see me giggling and pointing. anyway, my real names mildred, and if u care for ur life DO NOT CALL ME MILDRED!!! okay youve been warned!anyway, i have 2 dogs and 3 cats. the dogs names are, libby, whoses a black lab, and charlie, the pug. and my 3 cats are Fabio, Paco, and bob the fat Persian cats. my mom has a poodle named waldo, but were talking bout me... anyway, my friend told me about Gaia (thanks sara) and here i am! so anyway, wish me luck! heart -milly