S U N S H I N E :
I'm Donna (derr~), I love to donate to people who deserve it (then why would I be here ;D), and usually donate very well but it depends on my mood (unless you get on my nerves >>; ). I like; drawing, annoying demonic, being stupid, jajajajaja~ I LOVE GREEN + RED, even if its not christmas ;D
Donate minimum? Ill be proud to give it back ;D,
Donate well to; my wifeys; Fruity, Kaori, and Plushies.. and my best friends; Demonic, kitty X 3, Leogirl, ex. ex. ex. ;D....
OH AND FYI; i was here when Austins thread had only like 500-600 pages (the old one now the new one) so I have alot of experience >>; dont judge me D"<,,
Ive donated about 2 mill?

t h e q u e s t s?
Angelic Hairband // Oculus Magica // Autumn Glory // Fuzzy Penguin Slippers // MoMo the Monkey - 3oh3_tmnt_cobraconda heart //The Lusty Scoundrel - Saeko Yokoshima heart // Pandy Pack // WTF Hat // Aquatica // Shadow Spirit // Leather Collar with Cross // Faunzy's Flute // Carol of Ol' Ebenezer
or anything green or red ^^;
Dream Aivs? Lookie x3: [x]
m y n i c e d o n a t i o n s?
Kaori Fallen Angel // Pepsihun // xeriin // Delightfully Demonic
<< many more just i dont know how to screenie D"; (I started this like december 1st, 2008 )
M o o d? :Hyper @-@
G o l d? : 3k >'3
M u s i c? : nothing right nao :/
T o d a y s M i n i m u m? : 700+ (minimum ALWAYS changes <3)
K a r m a? : Its getting better ;)
B e s t D o n a t i o n T o d a y :
Delightfully Demonic - 2009 sealed letter heart O.O omg omg omg wuv you betchh D<
I dare you to beat it. ;)
Donate minimum? Ill be proud to give it back ;D,
Donate well to; my wifeys; Fruity, Kaori, and Plushies.. and my best friends; Demonic, kitty X 3, Leogirl, ex. ex. ex. ;D....
OH AND FYI; i was here when Austins thread had only like 500-600 pages (the old one now the new one) so I have alot of experience >>; dont judge me D"<,,
Ive donated about 2 mill?

t h e q u e s t s?
Angelic Hairband // Oculus Magica // Autumn Glory // Fuzzy Penguin Slippers // MoMo the Monkey - 3oh3_tmnt_cobraconda heart //The Lusty Scoundrel - Saeko Yokoshima heart // Pandy Pack // WTF Hat // Aquatica // Shadow Spirit // Leather Collar with Cross // Faunzy's Flute // Carol of Ol' Ebenezer
or anything green or red ^^;
Dream Aivs? Lookie x3: [x]
m y n i c e d o n a t i o n s?
Kaori Fallen Angel // Pepsihun // xeriin // Delightfully Demonic
<< many more just i dont know how to screenie D"; (I started this like december 1st, 2008 )
M o o d? :Hyper @-@
G o l d? : 3k >'3
M u s i c? : nothing right nao :/
T o d a y s M i n i m u m? : 700+ (minimum ALWAYS changes <3)
K a r m a? : Its getting better ;)
B e s t D o n a t i o n T o d a y :
Delightfully Demonic - 2009 sealed letter heart O.O omg omg omg wuv you betchh D<
I dare you to beat it. ;)