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Two by Fate
Current chapters of Aero Luna's story
Chapter 47 Reunited
A black hawk flew into the dining hall as lunch was being served. It landed on the back of Rook’s chair holding out it’s leg while it looked about the room.

“What’s this?” Rook asked untying the message. The hawk dispersed into smoke causing Flora and Aero to jump.

“What was that?” Flora asked.

“It’s from the Dark Realm, from the Dark Lord most likely,” Rook explained opening the letter, “It says it’s addressed to ‘the girl that was with Tornado.’”

Aero stood abruptly hurrying to Rook’s side and he handed the message to her.

“Aero what does it say?” Flora asked concerned.

“Dear the girl that was with Tornado,
Tonight at sundown you are invited to meet with Tornado. He will wait for you in a clearing straight behind the palace. I trust you will be able to find it with ease.
Dark Lord”

“Isn’t that a little vague?” Flora added, “This wouldn’t be some plan to capture her, would it Rook?”

“I don’t think so. That’s just the type of person the Dark Lord is.” Rook answered.

“Flora,” Aero turned to her shaking as she clutched the letter, “I need your help.”
They hurried to Aero’s room.

“What’s wrong?” Flora asked closing the door.

“I don’t know how to face him. It used to feel so natural to be with him, but now. It’s just been so long. What do I say? How do I act?”

Flora laughed. “It wasn’t hard for you before, was it? When you met him again after all those years you were separated?” Aero shook her head. “Then it’s no different now. He’s the same Tornado and you’re the same Aero.”

“I guess your right.”

“What does matter is that you look as cute as possible to help your confidence,” Flora said opening her armoire, “I can help with that.”

The darkness filled the clearing as Tornado, Barren, and Beast transported into the clearing. Tornado looked around eagerly.

“Do you think she couldn’t find the clearing?” Tornado asked them.

“The Dark Lord never has been good at giving directions,” Beast sighed.

Aero peaked out from behind a tree. She stepped forward nervously feeling her eyes water at the sight of him.

“Aero,” Tornado breathed. She looked like she was in pain, as though she was holding onto the tree for support. “Aero I’m-”

“Do you remember what you said?” she forced out the words feeling her voice go weak as she added, “on the night you left?”


“Are they still true?”

“Yes, my feelings haven’t changed, but if you don’t . . . I-I understand-”

Aero ran out to him hugging him tightly as she cried. “I love you. Please, just let me stay like this for a while.”

“We’ll be back for you in the morning, Tornado,” Barren told him quietly, “please, be here.”

Tornado nodded holding onto Aero as they vanished back into the portal.
“Are you hurt?” Aero asked.

“I’m fine,” he answered, “I wouldn’t really care even if I was as long as I knew you were safe.”

“It’s been a year,” Aero told him, “A year exactly. I’ve been counting.”

“I have too.” He smoothed her hair behind her ear.

“Is the Dark Lord going to let you visit me every year like he let’s Rook visit his mother?”

“I’m not sure. He only let me come because I rose a rank in the army. They have a test, it’s kind of like a tournament. If you prove your strength they let you go on to the next rank.”

“Oh, that’s great! I’m glad you did well,” Aero added worriedly, “How many ranks are there?”

“Four in all.”

“So, I’ll only get to see you three more times?” Her voice was panicked as she pulled away to look at him.

Tornado placed his hands on her face looking her in the eyes. “There’s nothing he can do that will keep us apart forever. I’ll play it safe for a while, but if the time comes I will find a way.”

Aero nodded, “Just don’t let him hurt you.”

“Don’t worry about me,” he assured her, “There are people looking out for me there.”

“You made friends?” Aero asked happily.

“Yeah, you’d like them.”

“Maybe they can come too next time. I’d like to hear about Tornado the soldier,” realizing the possibility she asked, “or do they not like the Light?”

“They’re good people. One of them seems to feel she’s already your friend.”

“You told them about me?” she asked embarrassed.

“She tricked me into telling.” Tornado laughed.

“Well, I guess that’s fair. Many people here have found out about you. It was one of my friends ideas.” She realized he was staring at her. “What is it?”

“You haven’t changed much.”

“Well, it’s only been a year.”

“I know. I like it. Only subtle things have changed. Your hair is cut shorter and your dress looks like it belongs to a princess,” he told spinning her slowly around.
“Flora chose it,” Aero admitted.

“Tell her she chose well,” he told her smiling, “pink suits you.”

“You’ve changed a lot,” she told him, “You were very serious when Barren and Beast were here.”

“You can blame the Dark Realm for that,” Tornado said looking down, “The lifestyle is much stricter there and dangerous. It can feel suffocating at times.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“No, I don’t really mind it much anymore, but it feels nice to take a break and feel normal.”

“Do you mind if we go back to the palace for a little bit? I’m afraid Flora is convinced the Dark Lord is trying to kidnap me.”

Tornado nodded wrapping his hand around hers as they ran back through the woods. Aero was relieved to feel safe in the darkness again.

When they entered the parlor it really did feel like everything had gone back to normal. Flora hugged Tornado making him turn so she could see his army uniform. Truthfully, the only thing that made it a uniform was the emblem on his shoulder. The badge had the Dark Lord’s chest surrounded by outstretched black bat-like wings. Rook patted him on the shoulder welcoming him home.
They talked about life in the Dark Realm while maids were serving tea. Once the maids left he explained his involvement with the rebel army. Though worried they all agreed it was for the best. Before long it grew very late into the night.

“I’ve kept you all up pretty late,” Tornado apologized.

“It’s fine,” Rook told him, “We’re all just glad you were able to come, if only for a short while.”

Flora nodded sleepily, “It’s like old times.”

Tornado laughed, “even so I should let you all get to sleep.” He stood and Aero joined him.

“I’ll go with you,” she told him smiling, “I’m not tired yet.”

They walked together until they got to the back of the palace.

“Come with me.” Aero pulled him along as she hurried though the brush.

“Where are you taking me?” Tornado asked as he ducked under the low branches of the trees.

“Somewhere,” she laughed. The trees thinned opening up to a large, still lake. “I really like it here, isn’t it pretty?”

“Very,” he answered looking at her.

“I want to show you something.” She sat down pulling off her shoes and stockings. “I’ve improved a lot.”

Tornado watched as ran out on top of the water causing ripples with every step. She spun around to face him.

“I’ve mastered water,” she told him as she danced around, “It feels just like walking on solid land.”

“You do seem to have gotten that skill down pretty well,” he said untying his boots, “I can use water too, you know.”

“It’s not that easy. It takes a lot of practice.”

“I think I can handle it,” he said stepping onto the cool surface of the water.

“If you think it’s so easy then try to catch me.” She laughed as she danced away from him.

He smiled sprinting towards her and catching her easily. She shrieked with laughter as he held her in a bear hug spinning her around. When he stopped they just looked at each other. He bent down touching his forehead to hers. Aero’s eyes grew wide startled. She slipped falling into the water, but Tornado tightened his hold on her holding her up before she could fall in.

“Are you okay?”

“I-I’m fine. I just lost my concentration there for a second.”

Tornado laughed still holding onto her as he led her back towards land. “Let’s get you onto solid ground.”

“I guess we should head back,” Aero told him as they put their shoes back on.”

“Yeah,” Tornado agreed looking up at the sky, “It’s already starting to get light.”

Aero led the way back along the path stumbling from fatigue. Tornado followed ready to catch her.

When the castle came back into view Tornado offered, “You should go back inside and get some sleep. I’m sure I can find the clearing.” Aero shook her head determined to keep her eyes open. “Aero, you can barely stand.”

“I want to stay with you,” she told him, “You won’t be able to come in the morning so I should stay.”

“Alright, here,” he knelt in front of her, “Get on. I’ll carry you there.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her on his back. It didn’t take long for Aero’s breath to grow slow from sleep. Her arms grew limp and Tornado had to walk carefully so she wouldn’t fall. The moonlight lit the clearing as they entered. Tornado carefully knelt down to lay the sleeping Aero on the grass. She really hadn’t changed. Her sleeping face looked identical to the innocent, gentle face Tornado remembered from their childhood.

Tornado lay beside her holding her hand. “Goodnight, Aero,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

“What’s this?” a voice asked, “When he said we were going to get Tornado I wasn’t expecting this.”

Tornado sat up quickly recognizing the voice. “Umbro, what are you doing here?”

“The Dark Lord sent me with them,” Umbro answered from where stood with Barren and Beast. “Who is she? Her wings are so pale. Wait, is she a light ethereal?”

Tornado looked over at Aero who still slept peacefully. “Yes, she’s light.” He stroked her pale wings that had faded to a soft tan in the time he’d been away. “Aero, he called to her, “hey, Aero, wake up.”

“Hmm?” she asked sitting up as she rubbed her eyes, “Oh! Wait, you don’t have to leave right now, do you?”

“He has a few minutes,” Barren explained, “The Dark Lord will send the portal.”

“Oh, good.” Aero was relieved as Tornado smiled at her.

“This is a side of Tornado I haven’t seen,” Umbro said with a smirk.

“Who are you?” Aero asked curiously.

“This is Umbro,” Tornado introduced them, “he’s from the group. Umbro this is Aero.”

“The group?” Aero smiled. “Thank you for being Tornado’s friend.”

Umbro laughed, “No problem. I have to say, I never would have pictured Tornado with someone so cheerful.” The thought registered in his head. “Hey, Tornado, is Aero the secret you told Durza?”

“Yeah, sorry I didn’t explain.”

“It’s fine, everyone has their secrets.”

Darkness seeped up through the grass. The sun had barely started to rise, but the pure blackness of the flowing darkness seemed to make the clearing even darker.
“Looks like we have to head back,” Beast said breaking the friendly conversation.
Aero looked down and Tornado hugged her close. He smoothed her curly hair as he whispered, “I’ll come back, I promise.”

“I know you will.”

He walked into the darkness joining the others. Barren sighed, turning him back around and pushing him out of the darkness. He summoned a wall of earth blocking him from the darkness.

Tornado laughed, “Thanks Barren,” as he pulled Aero close. He bent down placing his forehead on hers before gently kissing her on the lips.

She opened her eyes startled as he pulled away. He lowered the wall hurrying to join the others, afraid of what her reaction might be. When he finally turned around to see her face she was smiling behind her embarrassed blush. She bit her lip to stop herself from giggling.

As the darkness started to envelop them she called, “Stay safe and work hard!”

“We will,” he told her, “don’t worry.”

“Okay,” she added, “have the others come visit, too, next time.”

“They’d love that,” Umbro told her with a laugh, “We don’t get to see Tornado’s soft side back home.”

Aero smiled happily.

“Thanks, Aero,” Tornado told her, “for sending me off with a smile.”

The darkness swallowed them and they appeared in the throne room.

“How was your visit?” Dark Lord asked leaning forward in his seat.

“It was good,” Tornado answered.

“What did you do?”

“Talked. I visited Rook and the princess as well.”

He sighed, “You’re obviously going to leave everything out, aren’t you?”

“Why did you send Umbro?” Tornado questioned ignoring the previous statement.

“I thought you needed someone to confide in. Umbro is a good friend of yours, isn’t he?”

“Well, yes, but-”

“Well, if you aren’t going to tell me about your lover, then-”

“She’s not my lover.” Tornado was appalled.

“Do you love her?”


“Then it’s fine.”

“But, it’s just so . . . it just doesn’t suit her.”

“He’s right, my Lord,” Umbro agreed coming to his aid, “This girl is much too innocent.”

The Dark Lord laughed, “An innocent little Light Realm girl? You really are my son. Alright, I’ll let you go.”

They hurried from the throne room walking to Barren’s.

“Durza is going to have an absolute fit,” Umbro told Tornado, “I know she’ll have wanted to be the one to go.”

“Go where?”

They turned around to see Durza standing behind them looking between the two of them curiously.

“Why must you always appear out of nowhere?” Umbro asked.

“I was following since you passed my house,” she explained in her defense, “So where would I have wanted to go?”

“Not now, not now,” Tornado pleaded continuing onward, “I don’t want to explain myself multiple times. I want to tell everyone about her at once.”

Ember looked at him curiously. She was in mid exit of the bakery when she heard the last part of his plea.

“What?” she asked excitedly, “Tornado, do you have a girlfriend?”

“Did I hear that right?” Pye peered out of the door still in an apron.

“Just come with me,” Tornado told them exasperated, “I’ll explain.”

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