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Jazz's journal
Just a place for me to write. Stories or just whatever.
And With the Heart of Family Ch. 2
*Disclaimer: I do not own anyone besides Phoenix.*

Chapter 2

Seven year old Phoenix walked through a field of grass, the grass so high that it came up to her waist. The sound of the wind blowing through the tall strands was a symphony to her highly tuned ears, the smell of nature the most abundant aroma her sensitive nose had ever smelt. The field behind her father’s home was her sanctuary, giving her not solitude like every normal person wanted, but a place where she was accepted.

Being blind since the day that she was born, Phoenix always knew that she wasn’t normal. The servants of her father’s home were always fawning over her, trying to make sure that she didn’t bump into anything and hurt herself. Her father, when he was around, kept such a firm eye on her that she could almost feel it pressing into her head sometimes. And when she was outside amongst the normal people, and children, she heard the sympathetic gasps, whispers. People were really just glad that she wasn’t their child. And they felt guilty about being glad.

But in nature, the animals didn’t care that she couldn’t see. They would steer clear of her anyway, even if she could see them. Though they seemed to trust her more than anyone else that intruded into her sanctum. The trees never changed their position, the grass only ever grew, rocks didn’t roll around on their own. And if she felt like playing with any part of her surroundings, no one said anything about it. Her private playground.

Hearing a sound up in the direction of her father’s home, Phoenix turned in the direction, searching with her senses. It sounded like something was breaking, glass maybe? As she drew closer she heard a shuffling, someone maybe fighting, and then quiet. Her hand on the door knob, Phoenix listened closely, but there were no more sounds.

Suddenly, as she walked through the door, she heard a set of footsteps, then big, strong hands grabbed her arms and held her in place. Heart fluttering, she searched for the sound of her father or one of the maids nearby. The hands on her arms didn’t feel familiar, they were too rough, with cuts on the palms. Being just a child, she didn’t struggle. She knew that she was too small to actually impact what was going on around her, whatever it was.

Suddenly, Phoenix heard a voice just in front of her, like the person was kneeling before her. It was her uncle, who from the first had told her to call him Dr. Hojo.

“Phoenix.” He said, in a voice that was trying to be kind. “You are going to come with me, alright?” He asked, his hand patting her cheek. Phoenix just nodded, afraid of what would happen if she said no to her uncle. Her father had always said that he had a vicious temper if he didn’t get his way, and there was no way that she was going to test it.


Phoenix woke up in her new room, shaking from the cold. It had been two weeks since her uncle had taken her from her father’s house, and she still had no idea where her father was. She knew that she was there because her uncle wanted to try something with her. He was sure that he could cure her blindness, making him famous, and her happy, he was sure. But so far, Phoenix was miserable.

Curling up in her bed, Phoenix kept her bandaged eyes tucked in the hollow of her legs, her forehead resting on her knees. She cried softly, too afraid to remind her uncle that she was there to make more than a small peep of sound. There was a knock at her door, and she shrank further into herself, not yet prepared for whatever pain Dr. Hojo had for her.

The thick wooden door creaked open, a draft of more cold air wafting into the room. She forced herself to stop crying when she sensed it was someone else. There was another smell, besides the sterile one that her uncle always had.

“Who… Who is there?” She asked her voice shaking slightly. She hadn’t had any visitors since she arrived, and she wasn’t sure if she should trust this one. The foot falls that made their way to her bedside were too slow to be someone who wanted to hurt her.

“I’m your cousin, Sephiroth.” The owner of the feet said. It was a man, probably around twenty, judging by his voice. Phoenix lifted her head slowly, confused. She had heard of a cousin, once, but she didn’t know that he would be here. “I came to see you.” Phoenix crawled to the end of her bed where she knew that the man was still standing. Reaching up at hand, she put it to his face.

The action seemed to startle the man, who immediately stepped back, almost causing her to fall. “Are you really my cousin?” She asked.


Phoenix woke up with a start. She sat up in the strange bed that she was currently situated in and smelled the air. She had no clue where she was and she hated that feeling. The sudden movement made her head throb and she swore softly to herself. A man’s barking laugh behind her made her jump again.

“I was told not to let you move.” The man said. It was the man that had walked her to the bathroom. Well, at least she hadn’t left her destination. “Do I have to push you back down or are you going to lay back on your own?”

Phoenix sneered in his direction and laid back on a semi fluffy pillow. “Like you could push me.” She grumbled, crossing her arms over the blanket that covered her chest. “How did I get in here?” She asked a bit louder.

“You passed out in the bathroom.” He said, and she could hear the sound of a chair creaking as he sat back. “I’m just glad that you didn’t lock the door.” His tone sounded a bit bored. “So, Phoenix, what are you doing here?”

Again, Phoenix sneered. “I believe that you put me in this bed, so you tell me.” She snapped at him, hating that getting out of the strange bed would be hard enough for her with this man watching, if she didn’t want to make a fool of herself. And, again she heard the man laugh.

“You passed out, Tifa made me bring you back here.” So, that was the name of that woman. She closed her eyes, since there really was no need to keep them open. It’s not like anyone could tell her to keep eye contact with the person she was talking to.

“Alright, so your wife’s name is Tifa, and you know that my name is Phoenix. What is your name?” She asked, her voice showing that she wasn’t that interested. Why did she need to worry about knowing the people that she planned to kill in the near future?

“My name is Vincent Valentine. And Tifa is not my wife.” Vincent told her.


Vincent wasn’t sure why he felt the need to correct this woman about Tifa being his wife, but he could tell that she really didn’t care about whether she was or not. For some reason that bothered him. “What I meant to say before is why did you come to Seventh Heaven?” He asked, watching her. He’d been watching her for almost an hour, and he couldn’t seem to bring himself to take his eyes off of her. There was something about her, she seemed to be less dependant than most people, even when she was unconscious. But, when she knew nothing of what was going on around her.. There was this innocence that compelled him. Her delicate fingers had been curled slightly, almost like she was holding something. That seductive mouth had been partially parted, allowing a small sigh to escape from the pink folds. While he had been sitting there watching her, Vincent had become transfixed.

“I had just gotten into town and a group of people jumped me as I was passing by. It was raining, I wanted to get somewhere safe.” Phoenix explained quickly, almost like she was defending herself. “I can leave if I’m being an inconvenience.” She said defensively.

“No, no.” Vincent said, waving his hand dismissively. “Tifa would be very angry if I just let you walk out.” He said as an excuse to keep her there. Though, he did allow a small smile to spread across his face. “She’s going to make you stay here at least until you are well again.” He added, reaching her right hand out to feel her forehead.

“What do you find so funny?” Phoenix asked, almost snapping at him. He looked at her for a minute, trying to figure out what she was talking about. “You are smiling.” She pointed out.

“How did you know that?” Vincent asked, curiously. He knew that she was blind, just looking at her eyes told him that, didn’t it?

“Your voice changed.” She told him, opening her eyes to fix the snow white orbs on him. “It got lighter.” He was impressed, he had never noticed that about anyone’s voice, especially not his own.


Over the next week, Phoenix was kept in bed by Tifa, and somehow, whenever she got bored Vincent or a small girl named Marlene came to keep her company. She had come to like the little girl, finding her to be friendly and quite amusing. She made her remember when she was younger, before…

And then there was Vincent. Something about him seemed to draw her. His deep, almost uncaring voice intrigued her. There were times when he seemed to lighten up when she snapped at him. He seemed to find her anger to be amusing. So, lately she had taken to faking her anger, just to see if he would rise to meet her snaky remarks or if he would just find her humorous again.

She had met the other people that came around the place, Cloud, Yuffie, even Marlene’s father once. A man named Reno had just stuck his head in to say hello, as had another man named Zack. She had only really spent any time with Marlene, Vincent and Tifa.

“Are you feeling better today, Miss Phoenix?” Marlene asked from her spot on the corner of Phoenix’s bed. The girl had taken up that spot around five minutes earlier, and over the time, she hadn’t really said much until the question had been asked.

“I’m feeling much better today, Marlene.” Phoenix said with soft smile. “I hope that Tifa will actually let me out of this bed. It’s tough being cooped up in a bed for such a long period of time.”

“When you are out of bed, will you play with me and Denzel?” Marlene asked with a smile in her voice. That was so new to Phoenix, people smiling when they talk to her. She wasn’t going to let them fool her, they still held the tag of her cousin’s death on their heads.

“I might be able to arrange that.” She responded, not able to stop herself from accepting such an offer. Tifa had already told her that she was welcome to stay as long as she needed or wanted. “Though, could we find a game that I will be able to play, please?” She asked, laughing softly to herself. The last game the little girl wanted to play was ‘Go Fish’ and since Phoenix couldn’t see the cards, it wasn’t a logical game.

“Denzel said he wanted to play Chinese checkers, can you play that?” She asked curiously. Phoenix thought about it for a second.

“We could have a regular checkers competition.” Phoenix offered, hoping not to hurt the little girl’s feelings. She heard a small giggle from the edge of her bed and knew right away that she hadn’t.

“It was Denzel’s idea anyway.” She said, dismissively. Phoenix wondered where she got that attitude. “Will you play with us, Vincent?” Speak of the devil. Phoenix turned her head to the door to acknowledge Vincent, whom she assumed had just walked into the room.

“Hello, Mr. Valentine.” She said, smiling softly. Why did the thought of him being in the room make her heart beat so? It was like it came alive whenever he was in the room.

“Hello.” His voice came from the other side of the room, and closer to her head. It startled her. “And of course I will participate in the competition.” He added for the little girl’s benefit.

So, when Phoenix was able to get out of the bed, Marlene and Denzel lead her from the bedroom to the game room, where they already had the checkers board laid out, waiting for her. Phoenix, of course, lost in her first match, which happened to be against Vincent. Though she had a great time listening to the two children squabble about each other’s turn. And she heard Cloud and Tifa having their own strangely playful argument in the kitchen.

Still, she steeled herself for what she would have to do. Of course she wouldn’t hurt the children, they were to dear to her, and too innocent, but everyone else would have to pay for the damage that they had done to her small family.


“So, Phoenix.” Vincent said, a few days later as he made the two of them lunch. They were the only two in the home, and he had taken the opportunity to get some time with her. “Tell me about your family. Why are you here, instead of with them.” He knew it didn’t come out right, more like he was asking her to leave, but that was the only way he could think to word the question. He could tell by her expressive face that she wasn’t hurt by what he had said, so much. But there was a flash of pain that crossed her face.

“I don’t have one.” She told him, her head down, black hair falling in front of her eyes. “My mother died when I was born, and my father was killed when I was seven. After that I only had my cousin, but he was killed three years ago.” Vincent was actually a little surprised that she had answered him so willingly.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Who have you been staying with all this time?” He asked, guessing that she was no more than eighteen.

“No one.” She said truthfully. “I’m very good at taking care of myself. Besides, when my uncle was killed I was the only one to take over his estate. So, I haven’t had to work, or really do much of anything.” She said with a shrug. Vincent was really impressed by this girl, who seemed so vulnerable, but really didn’t appear to need anyone.

Flipping the omelet onto a plate for Phoenix, Vincent put it in front of her and took the opportunity to watch her while she ate. There was something about her… Something familiar. It was like looking at someone.. Only a little different. What was it? She looked like someone he had known once. There was something about her that stirred up memories. And they weren’t good ones, either. She somehow made him remember why he sealed himself in that coffin for so long before. Then, it hit him. She looked like Hojo, only if Hojo was a young woman.

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