Me: SHADOW!!! Make with the introduction.
Shadow: Nnng , And here he is ya all. The most useless voidy , YAARG , I mean ŧђε εŋŧεŧ¥ ¢ђαø§.
Me: Better , yet still not enough.
Coco: *whisper* No , no more pain. I can't take the screams.
Shadow: For the love of "Void" don't. Please.
Me: Begging for my mercy are we? Petty it's to little , and far to late. And where in the world is that little black chicken?
Shadow: You're getting more and more evil , calling Coco names.
Me: Shut it , you louwsy pittyful excuse of a shadow. I have my T4 pulse rifle here for a reason.
Shadow: *gulp* A reason?
Me: That's right. Eat plasma.
Shadow: YEAW!!!!
Coco: *whispers* This is not good. if only Emperor was here to help out.
Me: Huh? I am hearing couwerdly mumbling in the distance. Reveal you're self. Or even better , don't and feel the pain.
Shadow: Ya know that voice is right. Emperor will hopefully straighten you out.
Me: As if. he can't , nor will he. And if that coughed up piece of @#$ plasma thinks about changin my mind he'll , or even Emperor will feel a T4 pulse blast.
Coco: Don't be so mean to the world. Emperor is you're friend.
Shadow: Yea , he's you're faithfull gaming friend slash enemy.
Me: You really don't learn humbleniss fast do you? HAvn't felt the pain enough yet? Or do you prefer a boiled mind?
Shadow: AARG , NNNNG.
Me: Just be glad my T4 won't be evolving tonight. So for now you'll just be singed. Just wait till it's fully evolved. Oh the joy's of power.
Coco: Uhm , y-you won't be like that *gulp* w-when E-Emperor is coming over. W-wil you?
Me: *glare* Reveal you'reself Coco. And get back on my head.
Coco: C-can I pass? Those spikes look sharp and painfull.
Shadow: Hey , I suffer a great deal more here.
Me: Peh , I suffered the most with you around. So as a little thank you . . .
Shadow: You'll end the pain and be you're good old voidyness again?
Me: I'll make you feel a Blazing Pulse Blast.
Shadow: *cough* And I say . . . I be toast.
Me: Get back you loasy rotten little blob. I'm not done yet.
Coco: Shall I nurse Shadow back to health?
Me: Hmm , might not be a bad idea.
Coco: But i'll need a room and time alone. I can't be distracted.
Shadow: . . . . . . . nng.
Coco: Let's go Shadow. *whisper* I'll hide the 2 of us for the time being.
Me: Peh , useless gaia creature's. Dang , now I ain't have anithing left to abuse.
. . .
Oh well , might as well pick a DVD , or prepare to the visit tomorow. Emperor's luckey I don't have that much powser in R L.
Now , let's see. There's A) Spyro , dawn of the Dragon to play. following that up with some more games before it's time fo B) go to the Gastronoom to have a dinner. Then only C) some more gaming awaits till Emperor leaves. Although there might be a D) combined entry.
Hmm . . . more creatuer's to torture. Oh joy. I'll make them feel the heat , and eat some plasma.
Well gaia , rest while you can. I will crush you yet. Enjoy the peach whilst it lasts.
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C-C-H 666 journal of thought's
A place for my thoughts , for I am one with many thoughts.
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