Mother: Go Little red riding Near and see how your grandmother is doing. While you're at it, take these treats to your dear grandma?
Lrr Near: -snatches away the basket- Why do I have to do it?
Mother: BECAUSE I SAID SO NOW SCRAM! -kicks Near out of the house-
Near: b***h. -walks through the forest and meats a wolf.
Mello the wolf: I want to eat you! -looks down- Whats with the basket?
Lrr Near: Though it's none of your buissness, It's Treats for my grandma.
Mello Wolf: Does she live far off?
Lrr Near: No, It's right beyond that Mill over there in the first house.
Mello Wolf: Hmmm, Well I think I'll pay a visit! -runs- Race you!
Lrr Near: -walks- Noesy damn wolf!
Mello Wolf: -huff huff- This better be worth it. Knock knock knock!
Grandma Matt: Who Is iT!
Mello Wolf: It's your grandson little red riding Near!
Grandma Matt: Turn the knob and come on in.
Mello Wolf: - Walks in- FOOLISH WOM... ACK
Grandma Matt: -points gun at Wolfs head- DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID!?
Mello Wolf: ********, YOU were supposed to be sick! FOLLOW THE DAMN SCRIPT!
Grandma Matt: -click click- SHUT UP!
Wolf Mello: Well than! -slaps away the gun and pins Grandma down grinning- What you going to do now!?
Grandma Matt: MMM! -blush-
Mello Wolf: MMMmm! -leans in licking lips- Maybe I'll just eat you.
L R R Near: Click! -points gun to the back of Wolfs head- What The ******** are you doing to my Grandma!?
Grandma Matt: Uh, Little red riding Near, Help me.
Mello Wolf: I'm about to give your grandma a good time Little red riding Near. So How about you be a good little boy and sit over there. -rips off Grandmas shirt-
Grandma Matt: Eeeeyah! -tears up-
Lrr Near: Fine. -does as the wolf says and sits by the wall eating the sweets-
Grandma Matt: What big arms you have!
Wolf Mello: All the better to hold you with my slave.-kisses deeply-
Grandma Matt: huff huff, What big legs you have!
Wolf Mello: The better to sit upon you with my slave. -pulls off his own shirt-
Grandma Matt: What big ears you have!
Wolf Mello: The better to hear your sweet voice with my slave!-licks slowly down chest-
Grandma Matt: Uggggh! Ah ah What a big mouth you have!
Wolf Mello: -pulls down Grandmas pants impatiently- Better to give you pleasure with my slave! Suck suck, lick....
Grandma Matt: Eyyyyah Ah ah!
Lrr Near: -still eating- This trip was worth it after all.......
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Dear Mello,
To Mello
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You can play with me and my leggos, but only if you become my friend.
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