Hey Kids, It's My Birthday!
I'm 15. w00t! I have a cake but I'm not allowed to eat it until after dinner. Now, if it's not apparent, I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world. I want my freaking cake NOW. But my mom hid it somewhere so I couldn't find it. emo Other than the cake, for my birthday I had a sleepover with a couple of my friends RosiePose321 and Nikki, who's username I can't remember right now.... sweatdrop It was fun, we saw Bridewars. It was cool but I really wish they hadn't given away so much in the commercials. Next weekend I'm having a family thing, probably at my sister's house. I'll get mostly money, I'm guessing-except from my Aunt, who'll give me a gift card so I can't spend it on drugs.
Ahh....family. heart
In other news: The midterms went fine. I was FREAKING. OUT. about my Biology midterm since I suck at remembering all that covalent bond crap. But it was really easy. And! I'm getting AN A IN SPANISH. Did not see that coming. I got toooons of extra credit for extra class participation and Ms. R let me re-take my Ser quiz which I had had a 0% on because I thought the test was going to be on colors. O.o
More later,
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