Name: Lyra Age: 16-19 Race: Originally Human, but now half Demon Sanity: Split personality Birthplace: Destroyed by the Gods/Demons in which her people believe in. Bio:It is considered an honor among her people to be chosen to have a demon trapped within ones body. Lyra's people have been helping Gods and Demons survive for thousands of years by keeping them safe within human bodies. Lyra's demon is known by her people as "the one who controls storms of ice." Due to her demon, Lyra's body is constantly at a colder temperature then others and can hardly ever feel heat. Before becoming a half demon, Lyra was human and lived happy. But on her thirteen birthday, she had a demon implanted inside of her and since, then death and destruction follows her. Lyra at this time, Lyra has no control over her demon and has killed many people and even destroyed her own home. The demon with in Lyra is determined to be free and often seizes control over Lyra body, forcing her body to move on her against her will. Other times, the demon will purposely choke Lyra with her ice in her attmept to break free.
Lyra's Demon Name: Isanne Age: Unknown Birthplace: The beginning of Time Bio: Isanne is a very temperamental demon who's existence mostly depends on draining the life out of other beings and absorbing their strength. For the last 16-19 years, she has been inside of Lyra, slowly killing her from the inside out. Isanne is very impatient and will do anything to be free, even kill her host by slowly freezing her insides and choking her with ice. Once released, Isanne will immediately switch places with Lyra, who will become trapped within Isanne until the demon's death. Within moments of her release, all her surroundings will freeze as she absorbs the energy from the plants and life forms around her. Abilities: Isanne can freeze anything she touches or breathes on. She is skilled in long range and short range attacks though she often creates snow clones to fight for her. Isanne can absorb energy from those clones when she is low on strength. As for weapons, Isanne prefers to use her ice scythe or rely on her own magical abilities (i.e. creating snow storms, hail, avalanches, ice prisons, ice spears) Perhaps two of her most dangerous weapons are her ability to control others by freezing their hearts and making them her slaves and her ability to morph back into Lyra.

REAL form
Quiet~Raven · Sat Jan 24, 2009 @ 04:05pm · 1 Comments |