So, me and my friend Kenny were texting each other, and we get into the subject of Bleach. He just happens to spell Kisuke wrong... and, well...
(Blue is me, red is Kenny)
Yes he and 3 captains and 2 Lts. became exiled w/ Uharra.
T.T Why do you insult me so???
Lmao Kiddin biggrin
Okay, Hitaguya! XD (Hitsugaya is Kenny's fav)
Lol Hitsugaya
yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Hitaguya.
Toeshito!! XD XD
XD Kitska
XD How insulting! Toeshita Hitaguya, I will have my revenge!!!!
NEVER!!! Kitska Uharra!!!
haha I have won the battle!! XD
At least I'm not short!
At least I'm not old
At least I don't eat dogs! XD XD XD (Kenny's Vietnamese.)
U won this battle but not the war!!
XD XD You will never conquer Kisuke Urahara!!!
Never say never!
XD Only a lame short kid would say that!
And only a old pervert would say that no wait that's Naruto
I claim victory!
I claim justice! Death Note style!!!
Justic no jitsu Naruto Style!
Charizard, heat blast!
Kudamon warp digivolve 2 mega!
Bakugan... um... Attack!
The power of the shadow realm!
Rizu (from Bleach)
Nova, help!
Moon Cosmic Power!
O.o Um... Nova warps you into another dimension! And Haruhi comes out of no where!!!
No thats cheap!! U can't do that! Kakashi use implosion and sends her away
XD *Haruhi falls to the ground and cries* Go, Inu Yasha! Rip his heart out!
With the 7 dragonballs, Shinron grants Kenny's wish of winning the war
DENIED BY HARUHI!! and the the same time... OBJECTION!!!
Yuki alters time and space and traps Haruhi in a different world
:O Nova sets it back to normal!
Itachi uses Sakryomi on nova and kills him
:O Kenpachi comes and slays him!
And kills the shadow clone!
Kenpachi realizes it was a shadow clone and kills the real one!
As the nine tales kills him in the process
Nel kills Momo!!!
& the doodle king stole everyones color killing them all in the process
Haruhi says no and creates a new world! With no Hitsugaya!!! Muahahaha!!!
& the doodle king drew another Hitsugaya
Kirby comes and swallows him, then jumps off the cliff, killing Hitsugaya AND Kirby!
Aha the doodle king returns, cuz doodles never die
No, no, I killed Hitsugaya.
Oh the doodle king draws another one.
Sakura says release and dispell, ERASE CARD! Doodle has been eliminated!
Haha like i said the doodle king can never die if there is life there's color, if there's color there's the doodle king.
Haruhi forces death upon the Doodle King!
a new king appears
King Dedede!!!
& the doodle king!
Objection! You said one king!
Never said which one, the doodle king!
But i said Dedede first, you cheater!
Seconds the best! It's not cheatin, the doodle king is in the shape of king Dedede
XD fine, fine, spongebob comes and sticks him inside a book.
Lmao the pengel releases the doodle king and traps SB.
Light writes his name in the Death Note!
Objection!! Doodles are not human!
King Dedede eats him! (Getting desperate...)
Mono, doodle king's name, steals DDD's colors
But it's too late, because the doodle's already digesting!
Mono steals the stomachs color anyway makin it unusable
King Dedede throws up and passes out and Mr Game and Watch comes out and throws bacon at the Doodle King.
Mono erases mr game and watch cuz he's considerd a doodle.
Nuh-uh! He is a video game character!
Fine mono steals his color then
black is a color!
No, It's a neutral!
Mono changes his color to red and steals it all!
Haruhi yells objection and eliminates Doodle Kings from the world!
Objection! No doodle king, no color, no color, no life!
Then Haruhi destroys the world! I win!
The doodle king makes a new world! If u played the game u would know mono can do anything Haruhi can.
Haruhi destroyed the world, which destroyed the king, so, Haruhi's also dead, but I win!
Fine I accept defeat for now
I won!
Just this battle
But the world blew up, so i won the war!
I've gotta time traveler on my side
And so ends the epic battle of randomness.
![]() KisukeNovaLover2 Community Member ![]() |