~Jade~ Name: Jadela Janae Xentrinata Height/Weight:5'6 & 115lbs Race:Vampire/Demon Age:Unknown but appears 18 Bio-Jadela Janae Xentrinata was born on April 13 and it became the greatest day in the Underworld. She grew up as a lonely child of ignored parents, busy siblings and silence. As the year of her 13th birthday in human years came around, she was raped by her brother's best friend, Devon. He is now dead. She ran away to the human world at 14 and became everything she wanted. At 17, she came back to the Underworld and was forced to marry Aden, a pompous Jackbutt with a power craze. She was impregnated and had a girl named Adlina. Soon, Demons had captured Jade, Aden, Zark, Dez, and poor Adlina. Torture, raped and taunted for days they were. Aden escaped and came back to "save" his family but instead cut a deal with the demons. So to torture Jadela, the killed little Adlina but consume the child...alive. Jade then unleashed her first queen power and killed everyone. Aden had came back but now is dead. . Sexuality-Straight ( demon form only skin is black and hair is red
JadedDoomsday · Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 06:47am · 0 Comments |