the reason I don't trust Doctors is this, when I was two and a half years old I fell on a wood stove, it was no ones fault, but the fact remains I fell on a wood stove, and burned about two inches on my left hand, and from my the tip of my pinkie to just above my elbow on my right arm. The burns were bad, but not that bad, if they had just been kept clean and covered until they healed I would be fine. but no. I was taken to a hospital, where the Doctors insisted on a skin graft, my mom said no, the Doctors said they would run a few tests to see if I really needed them, my mom agreed to the test. when the doctors where done with the "test" I had a brand new skin graft. ( my mom was very angry) now I have to work on my right hand every day to keep the use of it.
my right hand:

my left hand: