Kimberly Q

Ageless, female, Dream village.
Brithdate: 6/08/99
Bio: A doll with a soul, created by Okage with the help of Durell. Has mental problems beyond fixing and has a fasination with knives.
Personality: Smart, EMO.
Likes: Knives, long sleaves.
Dislikes: Perverts, herself, her mind.
Crush: Her knife, "kyle".

Ageless, female, Dream village.
Birthdate: 4/13/00
Bio: A doll with a soul, created by Okage. Valentine longs to know what it's like to age.
Personality: Clam, blood thirsty, withdrawn.
Likes: Okage, Gaara, IIB, taking walks.
Dislikes: hunger, perverts, Kankuro, Yoko, Kurama, Hiei
Crush: Neji?

Ageless, female, Dream village.
Brithdate: 8/30/05
Bio: A doll with a soul, made by Okage. Deals with fire magic, but hates the heat. The least seen of the Seven Soul Dolls, Suhuga is a punk cheer leader that ends up gagged and tied up in the closet. (-_-')
Personatily: Punk, Prep, stupidlious!
Likes: Snow, Cold weather, orange chocolatte Pocky.
Dislikes: Fire, Heat, the Sun, Perverts, Durell.
Crush: None
Name: Maddie

ageless, female, dream village
Birthdate: 9/14/07
Bio: The forth soul doll, Maddie was created during an exposltion of Okage's enegery. This is noteable because the event made her feed off the trickest emotion of all, Love. She has Ice abilties.
Personatily: Shy, loveable, spazz
Likes: Mother Okage, Father? Gaara, Aunt? Saku, Valentine, sweets
Dislikes: Lies, hate, sour things
Crush: Unknown
Name: Genie

ageless, female, dream village
Birthdate: 9/23/07
Bio: The Fifth doll, Genie was provoked into life by Durell, who was forcing Okage to make a doll. She has powers of the earth, and is the least dangerous of the seven. She feeds off of happiness.
Personatily: Kind, cool, relaxed, pushover
likes: plants, the sun, warmth, Kimberly.
Dislikes: Suhuga, Gaara, Hiei, cold, darkness, Yang-sky.
Crush: Kurama
Name: Yin-sky (green-blue eyed girl)

ageless, female, dream village
Birthdate: 9/25/07
Bio: The sixth doll, Yin-sky is the older of the twin dolls. Just like her younger sister, she is a mute and never (only rarely) talks. Has the power of light. She feeds off of Pride.
Personatily: Wild, crazey, quick-tempered, party hardy.
Likes: Yang-sky, Mistress Okage, milk, raves.
Dislikes: Bummers, drags, and Shikamaru.
Crush: Kiba
Name: Yang-sky (purple eyed girl)

ageless, Female, Dream Village
Birthdate: 9/25/07
Bio: The final doll, Yang-sky was a sign of a new begining for Okage and the others. She has the powers of Darkness. She is a mute, but will talk when she feels like it. She'd rather write it becease her own vioce annoys her. She feeds off of Greed. (and is basicly okage)
Likes: Chocolatte, coffie, Master Gaara, Mistress Okage.
Dislikes: Her own vioce, her older sister, Perverts.
Crush: Master Gaara

Ageless, female, Dream village.
Brithdate: 6/08/99
Bio: A doll with a soul, created by Okage with the help of Durell. Has mental problems beyond fixing and has a fasination with knives.
Personality: Smart, EMO.
Likes: Knives, long sleaves.
Dislikes: Perverts, herself, her mind.
Crush: Her knife, "kyle".

Ageless, female, Dream village.
Birthdate: 4/13/00
Bio: A doll with a soul, created by Okage. Valentine longs to know what it's like to age.
Personality: Clam, blood thirsty, withdrawn.
Likes: Okage, Gaara, IIB, taking walks.
Dislikes: hunger, perverts, Kankuro, Yoko, Kurama, Hiei
Crush: Neji?

Ageless, female, Dream village.
Brithdate: 8/30/05
Bio: A doll with a soul, made by Okage. Deals with fire magic, but hates the heat. The least seen of the Seven Soul Dolls, Suhuga is a punk cheer leader that ends up gagged and tied up in the closet. (-_-')
Personatily: Punk, Prep, stupidlious!
Likes: Snow, Cold weather, orange chocolatte Pocky.
Dislikes: Fire, Heat, the Sun, Perverts, Durell.
Crush: None
Name: Maddie

ageless, female, dream village
Birthdate: 9/14/07
Bio: The forth soul doll, Maddie was created during an exposltion of Okage's enegery. This is noteable because the event made her feed off the trickest emotion of all, Love. She has Ice abilties.
Personatily: Shy, loveable, spazz
Likes: Mother Okage, Father? Gaara, Aunt? Saku, Valentine, sweets
Dislikes: Lies, hate, sour things
Crush: Unknown
Name: Genie

ageless, female, dream village
Birthdate: 9/23/07
Bio: The Fifth doll, Genie was provoked into life by Durell, who was forcing Okage to make a doll. She has powers of the earth, and is the least dangerous of the seven. She feeds off of happiness.
Personatily: Kind, cool, relaxed, pushover
likes: plants, the sun, warmth, Kimberly.
Dislikes: Suhuga, Gaara, Hiei, cold, darkness, Yang-sky.
Crush: Kurama
Name: Yin-sky (green-blue eyed girl)

ageless, female, dream village
Birthdate: 9/25/07
Bio: The sixth doll, Yin-sky is the older of the twin dolls. Just like her younger sister, she is a mute and never (only rarely) talks. Has the power of light. She feeds off of Pride.
Personatily: Wild, crazey, quick-tempered, party hardy.
Likes: Yang-sky, Mistress Okage, milk, raves.
Dislikes: Bummers, drags, and Shikamaru.
Crush: Kiba
Name: Yang-sky (purple eyed girl)

ageless, Female, Dream Village
Birthdate: 9/25/07
Bio: The final doll, Yang-sky was a sign of a new begining for Okage and the others. She has the powers of Darkness. She is a mute, but will talk when she feels like it. She'd rather write it becease her own vioce annoys her. She feeds off of Greed. (and is basicly okage)
Likes: Chocolatte, coffie, Master Gaara, Mistress Okage.
Dislikes: Her own vioce, her older sister, Perverts.
Crush: Master Gaara