Gaian Name: Kaiser Rasarai
Character Name: Codename “Ghost” real name is secret for now
Age: Real age is unknown, appearance looks to be early twenties
Race: Shade
Class: Ninja

What is a Shade? According to many folklores Shades are beings who manage death, the boatmen who ferry wayward souls to their afterlife destinations. They are also known to be the gatekeepers between life and death. Shades are deathly pale in color and have black pupiless eyes. Other than that they are similar to humans in their structure.
Ghost suffered for nearly his entire life. Born from a human family Ghost was immediately abandoned upon birth. His family feared that he was a bad omen and should be disposed off. As his dying infant body lay upon the dark forests surrounding this village Ghost nearly met his end before even living his life. It was upon that notion that a man in black found him.
This man was only known to him as Big Boss, Big Boss raised him like he was one of his men. Raised in the Iscariot Nightstalker Clan, a sub-branch of the crusader warriors of the holy church Ghost lived his early and teenage life within the clan walls. Training day in and day out Ghost mastered the art of CQC (Close Quarters Combat) and mastered the usage of the Katana and other similar blades. By the time he was twenty he had already grand-mastered all the arts that was available in the Iscariot Nightstalker Clan.
Though he was raised there he did not make any friends at all, other members picked on Ghost and some even tried to kill him. Ghost was forced to kill some of his clan members out of self-defense. He received no love from his masters or Big Boss but this did not discourage him from training in the arts. He was often sent on missions alone, Ghost has had a 100% success rate in missions ranging from Assassinations to Kidnappings.
The most disturbing attribute of a shade is its eyes. Ghost had only one color in his eyes, black. Due to this a shade cannot be blinded and can see very well. Many people claim that the black eyes of a Shade is the gateway to death, though in the case of Ghost that might be true. To deal with this problem Ghost was given a mask to wear, and to this day he has never taken it off.
Ghost has never known kindness or love in his life, all he has known is hardship and death. Nearly devoid of all emotions Ghost had become the greatest possible ninja in his clan.
Weapon(s): A Katana that wields the power of Ice, and Kodachi that wields the power of darkness
Magic: Ghost wields the magic of Darkness and Water. Because of this he can combine the magics to create Ice attacks since Darkness is the absence of light and warmth.
Other abilities: Ghosts armor is a skin type deflection type armor. It is a specially designed armor that covers his entire body. It is also designed to cover any openings to reveal his skin. Weighing only as heavy as light clothing this gives Ghost the ability to move and react at super-human levels. The years of training have given him this skill. The armor also syncs with his darkness magic giving him the ability to go invisible for short periods of time. Ghost also has all the usual Ninja abilities like extra sensory perception and inhuman speed and strength. Able to use darkness as means of teleportation over short distances Ghost has been able to complete his missions with ease.
Anything else: Ghost also has a beautiful singing voice, but it’s a good chance you’ll never hear it. Ghost rarely talks and if he does one would hear how beautiful his voice is.
Character Name: Codename “Ghost” real name is secret for now
Age: Real age is unknown, appearance looks to be early twenties
Race: Shade
Class: Ninja

What is a Shade? According to many folklores Shades are beings who manage death, the boatmen who ferry wayward souls to their afterlife destinations. They are also known to be the gatekeepers between life and death. Shades are deathly pale in color and have black pupiless eyes. Other than that they are similar to humans in their structure.
Ghost suffered for nearly his entire life. Born from a human family Ghost was immediately abandoned upon birth. His family feared that he was a bad omen and should be disposed off. As his dying infant body lay upon the dark forests surrounding this village Ghost nearly met his end before even living his life. It was upon that notion that a man in black found him.
This man was only known to him as Big Boss, Big Boss raised him like he was one of his men. Raised in the Iscariot Nightstalker Clan, a sub-branch of the crusader warriors of the holy church Ghost lived his early and teenage life within the clan walls. Training day in and day out Ghost mastered the art of CQC (Close Quarters Combat) and mastered the usage of the Katana and other similar blades. By the time he was twenty he had already grand-mastered all the arts that was available in the Iscariot Nightstalker Clan.
Though he was raised there he did not make any friends at all, other members picked on Ghost and some even tried to kill him. Ghost was forced to kill some of his clan members out of self-defense. He received no love from his masters or Big Boss but this did not discourage him from training in the arts. He was often sent on missions alone, Ghost has had a 100% success rate in missions ranging from Assassinations to Kidnappings.
The most disturbing attribute of a shade is its eyes. Ghost had only one color in his eyes, black. Due to this a shade cannot be blinded and can see very well. Many people claim that the black eyes of a Shade is the gateway to death, though in the case of Ghost that might be true. To deal with this problem Ghost was given a mask to wear, and to this day he has never taken it off.
Ghost has never known kindness or love in his life, all he has known is hardship and death. Nearly devoid of all emotions Ghost had become the greatest possible ninja in his clan.
Weapon(s): A Katana that wields the power of Ice, and Kodachi that wields the power of darkness
Magic: Ghost wields the magic of Darkness and Water. Because of this he can combine the magics to create Ice attacks since Darkness is the absence of light and warmth.
Other abilities: Ghosts armor is a skin type deflection type armor. It is a specially designed armor that covers his entire body. It is also designed to cover any openings to reveal his skin. Weighing only as heavy as light clothing this gives Ghost the ability to move and react at super-human levels. The years of training have given him this skill. The armor also syncs with his darkness magic giving him the ability to go invisible for short periods of time. Ghost also has all the usual Ninja abilities like extra sensory perception and inhuman speed and strength. Able to use darkness as means of teleportation over short distances Ghost has been able to complete his missions with ease.
Anything else: Ghost also has a beautiful singing voice, but it’s a good chance you’ll never hear it. Ghost rarely talks and if he does one would hear how beautiful his voice is.