Age: 16
Gender: Female(duh)
Background: German
Fave Food: Cauliflower
Fave Color: darkest purple
Fave Gem: Onyx
Fave Song: I will try to fix you by Coldplay
Hometown: Ulm,Germany
Dream job: Author
Hobbies: reading,writing,drawing and gardening.
Pet: Snake named Tendril
Mikilo was kicked out of school a number of times because of her temperament and is now living at her older brothers house until she can find a new home.
She has not many friends due to her way of verbalizing to others.
Her favorite thing to say is "Im too busy not listening to you, so stop talking." So you can see why she doesn't have many friends.
She has the certain as she calls it " Way of deliberation"
The lot of people that are her friends scantly speak with her at all.
Mikilo, despite her lack of friends, is a very jaunty girl.
Though she would like at least one close friend.
She spends a lot of time either, out side in her flower garden or out trapping mice for her snake, Tendril.
Mikilo says she has poor ability for sports but the many people she is challenged by, forfeit before half the game is over.
Even her own brother avoids her at all cost.
If you don't find her outside in her garden or with her snake, she is inside practicing her literature or playing her beat drums.
Mikilo, has a great number of allergy's that affect her chances of getting a job at the local mall,such as a job working with certain animals.
The job she dose have now causes her misery of all kinds.
She is a pet shop employee and has a allergy to animals with fur.
With her lack of education she might not get through life.
Find out in my new story. To be posted soon.