The very studious Sevielle was sparkling with joy as she usually did as she trotted up to the talkative and energatic little kitten Misha. Though today Misha was lying on her back pawing a rose back and forth that lay between her two paws. Sevielle bent her neck down towards the small creature and nuzzled her. Misha looked up and giggled in an awkward monotonous way. Then she returned to her old self and jumped onto sevielle's back. Sevielle was only mildly in pain as Misha's claws dug into her hide, but she let the small kit rest on her back as she moved to a more sunny area in the meadow. The sparkling sun made the dewdrops on the grass shimmer with light and soon they both drifted into a comfortable sleep.
Misha woke up earlier than Sevielle and decided to gather some of her favorite foods. She got up, yawned and stretched her legs. She then padded over to her clan leader, Tara from the earth clan to tell her where she was going as was the rule for leaving the clan's territory. Tara looked at her, nodded and then layed her head back onto her paws to go back to sleep. Misha walked over the earth clans boundary line (you couldnt actually see it of course) and sprinted deep into the forest over to her favorite harvesting area. She was just about to pick a few berries when she heard Maxime from her own clan. Wondering what she was doing she slowly crept behind a bush and froze in terror when she saw Nutella from the fire clan. Misha knew from experience that the fire and earth clan's were blood enimies. Misha frantically tried to understand why they were together when both Nutella and Maxime's ears tilted up and turned their scorching eyes toward where Misha was hiding. "Come out little one, we know you are there," Maxime commanded. Misha wondered whether she should run or come out. She didnt want to get in trouble so she decided to quietly step out of her hiding place.
Back at the meadow Sevielle was nibbling on the dew sprinkled leaves. Sevielle thought they tasted best then, but she was also wishing terribly that the dream she had would come true. She had dreamed of having wings and being able to fly. It was a wonderful dream, and natural for a horse to have. Flying over the vast ocean's without worrywas a great sensation. Sevielle mentally forced the thought from her mind so that she wouldn't start sulking. Instead she asked members of the earth clan if they knew where Misha was. Sadly, the only member who knew was the last person she asked, which of course was Tara. So by the time she was at Tara's den she was exhausted. Tara told Sevielle what Misha had told her and the best place to start looking for her. Sevielle already knew where Misha's favorite place to collect food was for Misha had begged her to come with her when she was very young because she was afraid to be alone. Sevielle remembered the many trees bearing exotic fruit. She mostly remembered the huge rock cliff that overshadowed the whole forest. Sevielle's hooves tripped over a fallen branch snapping her daydream in half and making her stumble but not completely fall over. it was lucky she didnt because she then heard a faint growl from an unknown voice.
Sevielle hid behind a thick tree and silently watched the unknown creatures conversation. Except the quiet whinny she let loose as she saw Maxime and Nutella hovering over Misha. Sevielle forgot about keeping quiet and headed out to the rocky ledge where Misha and the others were. Misha blinked her tear stained eyes with gratitude as she rushed over and hid between Sevielle's legs cowering and trembling with fear. Nutella looked with expressionless eyes over at Sevielle while she herself looked at Maxime, wanting to know why they were together in the first place. Maxime watched with a worried expression and moved toward Sevielle and quietly whispered to her, "Please, please dont tell anyone." Then she ran away. Sevielle blinked in surprise as both Maxime and Nutella dissapeared from sight.
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stories i made up
well this journal is about the stories that i made up the main title is called the Forbidden Friendship but some of the stories are just short ones using the characters i would like to know what people think of them
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love summer biggrin