You find yourself wondering who is this girl what is she like? Maybe she is one of the sweet kind pure innocent people in the world?...Your so very wrong. Kaori is an angel for sure she may look innocent enough, But she is far from it.
A young girl appears from the mists one golden wing is connected to her small frail body. It twinkles bright gold in the dawn lit sky. Her eyes bright blue as if you where staring into the baby blue sky of the daylight. The girls hair was pure white like fresh snow that lay on the ground in the beginning of winter. The dawn in which the sun raises from the earth brightening up the ground and trees, awakening many for the day to come. The fresh dew drips slowly from her wing her eyes brighten up as she sets foot. She wears what seems to look like a school uniform but its nothing more but her trademark. Gold and Black is what she whore every day. Her hat had a feather attached to the top pointing up, the hat itself black and fluffy. She also had glasses on that where bright yellow. As she walks down a small narrow side walk she notices a small shrine and walks to it slowly. She kneels down with respect and begins to pray for safe travels. The girl seemed to have been walking for some time now, and she hasn't taken a rest in a while, so it was nice to relax for at least a moment. Her aura was bright all around her as she was praying her spirituality was strengthening. She is a very special angel, seemingly innocent. When she gets done praying at the shrine she gets up and heads off to another place. She wondered what town would be next. The girl continued to walk when she saw a small stand giving out fresh treats and sweets. She noticed that she had very little money but went up to the stand to see what they had to offer her. A small smile came upon her face rosy red cheeks and eyes as bright as the morning. Her voice calm and kind started to speak to the person at the stand.
"Hello Sir uh is there anything I can get for this amount of money?"
She pulled out her tiny purse and dumped her stuff out on the counter. There was some paper and a picture that fell out. She only had a few quarters and penny's along with a little bit of dimes. The man looked at her and smiled he seemed to have understood that she didn't have much. He told her..
"Well young lady you really don't have much money for the thing I sell here...But sense it seems you been roaming about for some time, I will give you something to eat on me."
The girls face lit up she was grateful to the mans generosity. She was handed a large bowl of soup and rolls along with something to drink. She looked at the food as if she hasn't seen anything better in weeks. Before she grabbed the food to eat she thanked the man and bowed down to him as a sign of respect. She sat down at one of the stools that where aligned on the table. She continued to look at the food and took her silverware and chowed down. As she had her mouth full she began to talk to the man.
"So -choke- uh excuse me -swallows down food- Why do you run this cart in the middle of pretty much no where?"
She asked the man trying to swallow her food down without choking on it. She waited for his reply as the man turned around and smiled. He spoke to her kindly...
"Well little lady I live not far from here. The travelers that come threw this part tend to be pretty warn out. I set this up here so I can make money and feed the hungry."
The girl looked at him and smiled. Its been some time sense she has seen such great generosity. She continued to eat her food. Soon enough the bowl was empty and her belly was full. She stood up and looked at the man. She spoke..
"Thank you good Sir, I am glad I stopped here to relax and eat something. You have a wonderful day and life here. I hope to run into you sometime in the future."
She seemed grateful for his kindness. But before she left he had a question.
"Um whats your name little lady?"
She heard him and turned around slowly.
"My name is Kaori Seishin!"
She took off with great heist running down the small path to the next city. It wasn't far off and she wanted to get there soon so she can find a temporary hotel to stay at. What will Kaori Seishin encounter in this next town? We will see.
-To Be Continued-
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