1/31/09-"So that explains why you always have it in your purse... " actually, i found out how to open it without a doorknob so now i dont carry it around anymore. on the downside, if anyone found out they can trap me inside my room stare
2/01/09-"Yeah, I was pissed, bvut now you can be pissed at me because I really need to get that finished... "....What? It wasnt about you, i was referring to someone else. and what exactly should i be pissed at u about?
2/02/09-"Change your siggy!!! " I'll do it when I get some inspiration geesus
2/03/09-"I remember talking about this with you... Good times!!! " Oh yeah! I remember! at the party! GOod times, gooooood times
2/18/09-"I swear. He is out to get you, Temari and me... What the heck is his disfunction? " But mainly me. I guess he REALLY didnt like star wars? I have half a mind to stick him and mr. haubner in the same movie theater together for 8 hours to watch the entire star wars trilogy saga (I keep forgetting that theres more movies than the ones that came out in the '70s)
RoiMustangu · Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 04:52am · 1 Comments |