I CAN'T ******** WAIT stressed And this time, I'm gonna put my money somewhere safe Because I was ******** starving last time we went scream And I still have to ask my parents if they can buy the new book for me there (and possibly the train ticket to get to san fran) Because I don't think they're going to be the happiest of campers when I tell them that the book costs $38 (and the ticket costs $11)
I'm gonna be using the money I was gonna use for fanime to buy Japantown stuff I have an odd feeling though that no matter what, we're just gonna end up spending our entire trip in that hardware store again xp But c'mon, that is the most kickass hardware store on the face of earth I wish we had a hardware store like that in Ptown Or at least just the basement level I CAN'T BE EXPECTED TO WAIT ANOTHER 16 HOURS FOR THIS HURRY UP ALREADY, STUPID CLOCK scream
RoiMustangu · Thu May 28, 2009 @ 12:28am · 1 Comments |