some guys just dont get it and they are realy hard to understand and it bugs me sometimes expesually when they do that. I had a boyfriend but he dumped me and i understand why now and i do agree that i was being to clingy and over pertective and i just called him and appologized for it cause i understand now why he did what he did and i agree with him 100% and now i know what i have to do if he does take me back and give me a second chance but if he dont than hey what can a girl do....but i do still really want to be with him and i just got all cought up in him and thats what made me like i am but now i know the arror of my ways and now i know what i have done to him and i know that i am better than that and i can treat him better and i will no matter what it takes i will treat him better cause he diserves better than what i have put him through and i will give him some more air to breath but i wont give up hope that hopefully he will forgive me and let me have anoter chance cause i will do better cause i love him and i will do anything to keep him happy.