Ughhhh the animation bothers me. It's worse than Kai's animation, which was pretty bad in the first place. and what's with Keiichi being a ***** now? Kai was better in this perspective too cuz at least he was just a pervert in there. Now hes both. Oh great. and even though I only watched the first third of the first episode, i can already tell NOTHINGS gonna happen gonk . Only good thing about Rei so far is the new opening, but thats only because Eiko Shimamiyas a great singer (shut up im a fan of hers). Geez overall this was a huge disappointment to me. I cant beleive I've been on the edge of my seat since summer for this to come out
RoiMustangu · Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 12:44am · 1 Comments |