I recently stumpled upon a commercial for a video game titles "Deus Ex" in which you play a cybornetically enhanced "badass" named deus ex machina that runs around and kills people to save the world, or something like that I'm sure. Now, not to pick it apart like a total p***k, but, this is why America is getting dumber and dumber. You take significant words like deus ex machina and just because it sounds cool, you turn it into some sensless video game (not to mention the graphics SUCKED). Deus ex machina is derived from a latin term which means:
god of machine, but is not it's meaning. It is used as a special plot device that brings together all the loose ends and broken pieces that may have presented themselves. Deus ex machina can be a character, a phrase, or even a small action, but it's sole purpose is to make a plot, make itself clear, not to be bashed by useless crap such as a video game. This will be the conclusion of the rant, none of you probably read, or cared about in the slightest form.
~Hippie Jon
~stay beautiful gaia~