FFFFFF I am so sick of dealing with unlintelligent people it's insane! I'm on gaia and I try to explain why I like Twilight and the reasons why I think it's on the shelfs and all they do is go ".....Well it still sucks May."
Then all they are doing is jumping on the I HATE TWILIGHT bandwagon. I admit I was on it to. Till I read the book and got a little more openminded. Then my firend Ro was like "She got the idea from a dream she had that vampires sparkle. Bella is a self-inflicted character."
I asked were she got this and that I read that she didn't write the seires for publication. No reply.
Someone has the nerve to say "I'm leaving until you guys grow up some. I don't want to stick around for this."
First of all I was explaining something then you all go "Well it sucks." Like you didn't even read what I typed. If you didn't understand what I ment THAN SAY SOMETHING. FBOPGERGNBRLWGHWRJLGHNBRWOGNBERJ
And if someone I know happens to see this I don't give a damn.
Look I love all of my firends I just hate it when you guys act like that. Don't understand it? Say something. Don't agree? Tell me why. And none of this "Because it sucks" bs either.
Starlight Mayberuu · Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 02:37am · 0 Comments |