Guide to Vending
I've been vending for awhile and I thought I'd make a sort of vendor help guide. Edit: I joined TVG. neutral Moving on.
Okay so. When you vend, you want to make sure your Javascript is off. This is the most important thing. Hopefully you're using Firefox, so you want Tools > Options > Under Content tab, and uncheck "Enable Javascript." And you only keep that unchecked for when you're vending. Also, make sure your password is automatically saved into the Buy Now section.
It's "Just Listed" page, and you can hit "go" every so often. Don't do it too fast or you'll get the Slow Down Ban and you stare at a stupid ******** screen for awhile. Lasts 30 seconds the first time, a minute the second, and etc.. the more SDB's you get, the longer it lasts. I had one for 20 minutes. >_> Sucked.
You know if something's mispriced when it's missing a digit. Example, 4k Gothic Veil. Probably priced at 4,150g or so.. seller blew through the Caution pages. Fyi, they'll probably PM or comment you begging for their item back. You can give it back at half price, for free, or you can block them, w/e you want. Personally I never give stuff back unless I'm in a good mood and they were very mature about it. I might give it back for a massive discount. It's kind of vendor's code to give other vendors their own mispriced stuff. Like a fellow vendor, he mispriced a katana for 200k once when they were 300k, so I gave it back for my original 200k.
This isn't always applicable.. vendors like to play games if they're bored, so sometimes there's items for 1,337g. Like a Masterpieces or a Co Ops Gear. The vendors don't expect you to give em back, so don't worry about it, just sell it for normal price or keep it. =]
Okay so.. this is actually a big thing when you vend. Say you see a ninja band drop for 130k. The seller missed a digit so that's a MASSIVE profit. A mil right there. I've been a vendor for awhile now and I still honestly get a rush. The biggest thing in vending is BEING THE FIRST TO SNIPE. This means NO hesitation, NO pausing, you click at the speed of effing light.
The biggest issue I think, is that honestly, if you see a 130k ninja band, your heart's going to stop, your eyes are going to widen and you're going to be like "HOLY CRAP." It's like an adrenaline rush almost, cuz you're 2 seconds away from being 1 mil richer. You have to eventually learn to control the shock and act IMMEDIATELY instead of staring dreamily at the item like "omg.." I've had this happen before, I saw a 1k Golden Laurels and I stared at it for like 3 seconds, and those 3 seconds cost me 1.5 mil. =/ So if you see a mispriced, you act QUICK cuz the other 500 people staring at it might not pause.
Second issue is your comp. If you're a gamer, congrats, you've automatically gotten the upper hand against hundreds of people. That's assuming if your computer is pumped up full of gamer steroids and all that latest downloadable "make my interwebz go into the next dimension with its awesomeness" speed.
When you sell, make sure you don't undersell the lowest seller by 1g. It pisses EVERYONE off, customers and sellers alike, and you don't want other vendors hating you because if YOU misprice something on accident and they snatch it, chances are, they won't give it back.
Vending terms:
LMP = lowest market price
Dump = when somebody unloads a ton of s**t in the vend for drastic prices, this usually is because they're a fellow vendor having fun, or they're quitting Gaia. With dumps, you want to stay at their store and refresh it. Make sure your mouse hovers over the "Buy Now" button.
Snipe = getting deals
A big problem I've noticed with new vendors is that they lose a lot of gold vending. At first I was like "How is this even POSSIBLE" but then I realized that they're losing gold because they don't know what to buy and sell for profit. You have to get a good knowledge of Gaia's items. And I mean a GOOD knowledge. Know what's a hot item, and what will rot in the MP. For example, the Frostbite Blade, somebody wants to buy one about every 3 minutes. It flies off the shelf. On the other hand, you have Monkey PJ's, where there's a customer wanting it once every 3 DAYS.
You have to know what's going to be a profit. I understand if you're first starting out, go for the little profits.. for example, you see a 12k Momo the Monkey and it's going for 14k with everyone else. Should you buy? My answer is, NO. Momo isn't that popular (how many MC's are 14k? That SUCKS) and 2k isn't that great. Chances are, somebody's going to put THEIR Momo up for sale before there's a customer, and they're either going to put it at 11k and slowly lower the price so you lose gold, or they'll price it a little bit above yours, and you're stuck waiting, hoping somebody doesn't sell below yours. So research Gaia items, see what flies off the shelves, and maybe start going for higher profits.
Artificial Inflation. This annoying period of time usually only lasts from half an hour to a day or so. This is usually when there are little to no listings of an item, so when somebody lists, it's ridiculously overpriced. For example, say there are no listings for a Gift of the Gods. Normal buying price is around 25k. The first person to list their item, it's gonna be 5 million gold. NOBODY, unless they're complete idiots, is going to buy a Gift of the Gods for 5 million. Eventually more people will start selling their own, and since nobody is going to buy them at such an outrageous price, it'll gradually just end up coming down to its original price. Okay.. ATTENTION NEW VENDORS. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN ARTIFICIAL INFLATION. You will lose MASSIVE amounts of gold and be kicking yourself for buying the 500k Pandy Pack when it gradually goes back down to 110k.
For beginning vendors. The saying "You can't make money without money" is the golden rule for vending. The more gold you have to vend with, the higher priced misprices you can snipe. Most people, especially new people on Gaia, they don't have a lot to work with, next to nothing.
WHAT I DO IN THIS SITUATION. Say you start over an account from scratch. Unfortunately Gaia doesn't let you buy a trading pass for 500g now until 3 days, so you'll have to wait 3 days. But once this period is up and you purchase the TP, you can get started. First, sell everything in your invo.This includes avatar items and furniture. Sell it to the shops. Shops pay exactly HALF of the item's worth. Usually this pays more than if you sold it in the MP. Gaia offers lots of little things that offer a little gold with a little effort. Here are some little tips for making a little gold before you start vending:
1. Gaia's Jigsaw Puzzle
2. Shake bushes and trees in Towns
3. Click Daily Chance at every opportunity
4. Click around the Gaia website, you get gold for browsing.
5. Post in the forums.
6. Comment people (don't overdo this, it's obnoxious) and vote in the avatar arena, comment in the arena as well.
7. Start zOMG! and collect recipe items to sell, zOMG! is free to play.
8. Gaia's Aquarium. This is a new amazing feature that actually generates a ton of gold. Playing "Booty Grab" can get you easy gold, which you can find by going into forums and looking at aquariums in people's signatures.
There are a few other ways, I'll add them when I remember to. Basically, you want as much gold as possible to vend with. But you can vend with any amount of gold, I've seen 1g Masterpieces, 1g Plasma Gear, etc., it's just a matter of spotting them and being at the right place at the right time.
This is the link to vending page. Good luck! smile
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