This is Morgan and her stupidity.
It started as a RolePlay but then started getting personal. From 3:03pm to 3:56pm
Morgan: looks at you-....hey just heal me and ill be on my way
Aj: "Where do you need healing?"
Morgan: every where even my heart heal it and ill forget everyone my brain....-he said sadly-...everything....i just need to heal and move to a new account or stay here not knowing anyone……………….. ...wait...i want to remeber winry...thats all..-he took your arm
Aj: She nodded closing her eyes. "So you want me to do this for you. And the only person you want to remember is Winry? Yeah thanks.. Why don't you have someone else do this to you." she took his hand from her arm, walking away.
Morgan: want me to remember you do you? -he said sadly- ill remember you and winry thats it b.c everyone else hurt me to much that i just need yall in my life
Aj: "How about you just remember no one and endure it from there. I don't ever remember Avarice hurting you. I do remember Winry and I hurting you. So why not just remember Avarice? Your pathetic." she shook her head.
Morgan: ....b.c they ignore me....and....-he sighs- forget it ill just die fine with me -he turns and walks away to his house looking at his kids xaio and cassie playing dolls ant hughes sitting there watching
Aj: "Forgetting or dying won't solve anything. Life sucks. Yada yada yada.. Stop complaining and get over it Roy. You don't need a partner to get along in life. This place is a giant shitt hole so just stop this. Just because people ignore you or don't like you donesn't mean dying or forgetting is the answer. Just go out and make new friends and forget the ones neglecting you."
Morgan: i cant b.c i love yall...-he said sadly
Aj: "Then that's your problem." she snickered with disgust. "And you wonder why I don't text you. This is all I hear. Constant complaints. I am trying to change you. Everytime I get one step forward you bring me back two steps behind. That's why I give up. Stop being difficult and take the damn criticism."
Morgan: you know i dont take critisism...and cant...i sensitive and the real me is too ok
Aj: "There you go. That's your problem again. Gaia is just a website, Roy is just a Character. Gaians are real people behind the avatars. They have feelings you have feelings. And we all fall down. Big whoop, get over it."
Morgan: .....big whoop i dont care about gaia i dont care about roy i care about my happiness and you should too angelica..stop being a big "know it all" and atually care for people that need your a person that god made everyone..everyone has a little kindness in them and you need to let it out and i know i should to even need to stop yelling at me when its my need to atually try to talk to me nicely talk to me try to get deep in me why im sad hurt crying and you could finally find a solution to what others have this will help you alot..b.c people will come to you for help like winry ((longest message i ever did lol))
Aj: "I'm not being a know-it-all okay. You are just trying to avoid this. This is critic. You can't handle the truth of the matter. I do care and sometimes this is how I show it. My RL life is crashing down in front of my eyes and I'm sitting here wasting my time with you trying to "help" you. So stop thinking life is all about you and like I said get over it."
Morgan: this help isnt working out...ok...i need a life my life is worst my parents dont trust me everyone ignores me at school even when i sit down to talk to them i lost my friend in a car crash...i...i just need someone to comfort me that it txt me and tell me im ok and hold me –crys
Aj: "Okay my life is ten times worse. You don't even know it okay. I watched my Grandmother die in front of me last summer. My dad has been dead since I was about 10 and it's just me and my mom living in a crappy apartment. I actually am thinking about suicide these days and my friend is mad at me and hates me from something that happened months ago! She is my only friend in the neighborhood and I barely see any of my friends during school hours. And if I do its brief. Never get any calls from them at all or texts either. I almost barely see my own boyfriend who goes to a different school. So please try proving that your life is worse. I'd like to see you try because you constantly complain about it. If I can live with this balled up inside without shedding a single tear, you can get over people ignoring you because it's just how life is so grow up and move on because I'm tired of your words filling up my phones inbox."
Morgan: i text you b.c i care and im your friend and if your sad im sad even though we dont live close...-morgan looks at you-....i...would be happy to talk to you like a friend to talk to you over the phone if your sad
Aj: "I don't want any sympathy, nor do I want you to text me because I don't want to get out of school to find you left me a text. Its awfully annoying. I've told you to stop and you never do. Just stop completely. If you never had my number this wouldn't be happening. No not even emergencies. Don't text me at all. I won't answer so just don't do it."
That’s where it ened because she went offline. Now she has continued to text me disregarding my opinion like every other time.
-Xaia_Chimera- Community Member |
Community Member