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Legion of Superheroes
Legion Of Superheroes
Chapter 1: Two New Members

“Attention Legion of Superheroes,” said Madame President Wazzo as she addressed the Legionnaires. “Mr. Brande and I have called this meeting for one reason.”
“What is it Madame President?” asked Cosmic Boy.
“Wer’re bringing in two new promising members. Mr. Brande, will you please go get them while I tell the Legionnaires about the two new members?”
“Sure thing.” As Mr. Brande went to get to two new members, Madame President turned her attention back to the group assembled before her. She then told them about how extraordinary each one’s abilities are and how they need the legion’s guidance, especially Cosmic Boy’s. Which is why she is placing these two in his sector and under him. Cosmic Boy, with dignity and a solemn look on his face nodded to Madame President.
“It needs to be noted that these two are sisters and the oldest is, how shall I put it . . . very protective of the younger one. She will fight for her sister no matter what and we can all learn from that.” Madame President the cleared her throat, straightened her back, and smiled. “But I must also warn you that her need to protect her sister is because they both come from the same past.”
“Excuse me Madame President? But should they not share the same past if they’re sisters?” asked Cham.
“I was getting to that. They’re half sisters, it should all be there in the files in front of you. As you can sse they share the same father but not mothers. Their father gave them a bond by experimenting on them. Hence their abilities and why the youngest looks so different. Now. About the younger sister. She is shy and has self-esteem issues, which Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, and Triplicate Girl, I want you three to help her with that.”
The three girls nodded to Madame President.
“It must also be noted that she does not like to be stared at. The reason for this is because she is self-conscious about herself and how she looks. Mr. Brande?”
Mr. Brande walked in followed by a girl with long black hair, deep dark brown eyes, and even though she was short, she had legs that wouldn’t stop. Cosmic Boy, Sun Boy, and Lightning Lad’s mouths dropped. She wore a suit that was similar to Phantom Girl’s. But it was more black than white. When the girls saw how the boys were acting, they were saying, “Oh, for crying out loud!”
“Give me a break!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
As Pru stood in front of the group, the girls looked to see when the other girl would walk in. But they just didn’t see her.
Meanwhile, Brainiac 5 couldn’t understand why the boys were constantly staring at the new girl. “I fail to see why you guys are staring at her like that. You’re staring at her like you’ve never seen a girl before.”
Oh Brainy, you’ll understand someday when you’re older,” said Lightning Lad.
“I highly doubt it. And by the way, you’re about to drool on my foot!”
“Oh, sorry about that,” Lightning Lad apologized as he wiped his mouth.
“Madame President?” asked Saturn Girl.
“Yes, what is it?”
“I thought you said that there were two girls? Where’s the other one?”
“She’s right here.”
“No she’s not,” said Phantom Girl.
“All we see is her tail,” said Triplicate Girl, pointing at Pru.
“Excuse me! I don’t have a tail!”
All of a sudden a small face with silvery-white hair, dog ears, and purple eyes appeared to the left of Pru’s hip. A barely audible gasp was heard as the face disappeared back behind her. Pru turned her head to the left and looked behind her. She then placed her left hand on the small of Sakura’s back, who was shaking considerably.
“It’s okay, Sakura,” Pru said gently. “Just think of it this way, we’re famous people and they want our autographs. Remember what we talked about? I’m Elizabeth Taylor and You’re Queen Elizabeth.”
“She’s so kind, sweet, nurturing and encouraging,” said Lightning Lad. The other boys agreed with him.
Finally, Sakura came out from behind Pru and stood next to her. When Triplicate Girl saw Sakura, she got so exited that she split into three separate bodies. “AAAAAAH!!!” Sakura screamed as she ran back behind Pru.
“It’s okay, Saki,. She just has an ability,” Pru reassured her.
“That’s not right. That’s just wrong,” Sakura said quietly.
“Sakura, what did I tell you?”
“I’m sorry,” Sakura replied, her ears down.
“It’s okay. Now would you mind coming back out?”
Sakura nodded her head and did so.
Brainiac 5. Bouncing Boy. “ called Madame President. “Would you two please come over here with the Legion boxes?”
“Yes Madame President,” they both said as the picked up the two boxes. They then walked over to Madame President and Mr. Brande. When the boxes were opened, in them laid a belt and a ring. Both of them with the Legion symbol on them. Brainiac 5 stood in front of Pru, while Bouncing Boy stood in front of Sakura.
“These are your Legion belts and flight rings,” Brainy explained to the two girls. There’s a communication device in both the ring and belt.”
“Have either one of you chosen a superhero name yet?” asked Bouncing Boy. Pru looked at each other and smiled.
“The Charmed One,” said Pru.
“Welcome to the Legion of Superheroes, The Charmed One,” said Brainiac 5 as Pru accepted her ring and belt.
“And what about you, Sakura?” asked Bouncing Boy.
“ I-InuCeres.”
“InuCeres?” asked Bouncing Boy. “What inspired that name?”
“ It’s Japanese. It means Celestial Dog,” Sakura said proudly.
“Well,” said Bouncing Boy with a huge warm smile on his face, “welcome to the Legion of Superheroes, InuCeres.”
Sakura then accepted her ring and belt. Both Pru and Sakura stood in the middle of the group, raising their right hand they said the pledge:

“To the Legion of Superheroes
I make this solemn pledge
To use my powers for good
To fight for justice
And protect the innocent
To aide my fellow Legionnaires
In times of peril
And keep their secrets safe
I choose a new name
To honor the heroes of the past
I am The Charmed One.”
“I am InuCeres.”

The other Legionnaires cheered and clapped as the welcomed the two girls. Madame President then invited everybody to introduce themselves to Pru and Sakura. As the boys walked over to Pru, the girls waslked over to Sakura. While the boys were busy talking to Pru, the girls were clamoring about how cute Sakura looked. “Oh, she’s so adorable.”
“Look at her cute little kimono.”
“Look at those cute little dog ears and that cute fuzzy tail.”
As the girls continued to fuss over Sakura, she became more and more scared and pressed herself harder against Pru.
“Ouch!” Pru yelped as she felt Sakura’s claws dig into her skin. “Sakura Stop! You’re hurting me! Would you hussies back off my sister!”
“What did you call us?!”
“You heard me! If you weren’t so busy crowding her, you would have noticed that you were ALL scaring her!”
The Legion girls were wanting to take on Pru, mainly the white Triplicate Girl. The others were holding her back as Pru spoke not a word. There were voices shouting as the boys were shouting with the girls, trying to stop them. Pru still had her left hand on Sakura as she slowly raised her right hand.
“Show me what you got,” said the White Triplicate Girl.
“Don’t Worry, I will!” Pru said as she calmly turned to Sakura and checked to see if she was alright. By now Sakura was really trembling and on the verge of tears. “It’s okay, Saki. Their not gonna bother you anymore.”
“I don’t know what her problem is? We weren’t bothering her little sister?” Phantom Girl said to the other girls.
“Excuse me!” Pru turned around in shock. Not so much by what they said, but by how stupid they were to believe that they weren’t bothering her sister. Enven though it was clearly right there in Sakura’s actions and on her face. Could they not here her whimpering. As Pru stood up, she pushed Sakura behind her. Sakura held onto Pru’s hips as Pru put her left arm behind her as to protect Sakura more. With her arm slightly bent, her right palm face down in a defensive mode. “I can’t believe I just heard a stupid, idiotic like that come from one of the top Legionnaires, who I might add is the Madame President own daughter! You girls are supposed to be top in your field, especially one who is supposed to be “mindful” of other peoples thoughts, feelings, and emotions.” Pru looked right at Saturn Girl as she said this. “ Are you Blind? Are you Stupid?” Pru then pulled Sakura in front of her so that the girls could see her. “Can’t you see that she is scared and frightened. Can’t you see her crying and that she is shaking beyond control.”
“We weren’t going to hurt her. We were just trying to say hello,” Phantom Girl said to Pru. “You don’t have to get an attitude about it.”
Pru glared at the girls as she pushed Sakura back behind her and chanted:

“To the moon and stars from high above
Look upon this child with love
And look upon the ones that made her cry all the while
Turn them into baby crocodiles.”

All of a sudden the girls started to shrink until ion their place stood baby crocodiles. Everybody stood in shock. “Whoa!” Exclaimed Lightnig Lad as walked over to the baby crocodiles. He knelled down and started to play with them.
Brainiac 5 pushed through the crowd get a better look at what just happened. “That did not just happen! That’ impossible!”
“Yes it is!” said Pru sounding insulted. “It’s called magic.”
“There is no such thing as magic.” Brainy stated matter-of-factly while looking rather annoyed.
“I hate to tell you this, but there is. How do you think I turned those girls into baby crocodiles?”
“It is just not logical.”
“Whatever you say, Mr. Know-It-All. I’ll make a believer out of you yet.”
Meanwhile with Lightning Lad and the baby crocodiles. They’re so cute. Ouch!” One of the baby crocodiles bit him on the finger. “I’m so glad Pru’s a member. She’s coll. I want a pet. Can I have a monkey?” asked Lightning Lad.
“You leave Koko out of this!” hollered Brainy.
“I don’t want your Koko, Brainy.
“Alright,” said Madame President. “I think it’s time you turn them back now, Miss Page.”
“Um . . . that may take a while.”
“And why is that?”
“Well . . . that was a spur of the moment spell. And it can take awhile to come up with another spell to counteract the first one.”
“Well I would appreciate it if you would work on it please.”
“Yes ma’am.”
An hour later, Pru had successfully turned the girls back to normal. Which they were not happy. “Oh My God! I can’t believe that we were just baby crocodiles!”
“On no! I’ve been transported to Valley High!”
The girls turned to Pru and another argument ensued. “How dare you do that to us!” “Excuse me! How dare I?! How dare you scare my sister half to death!” Pru screamed at the, as sheput her arms around her sister. “ She is not Some freakish puppy-girl that is to be put on display like the elephant man for you to gawk at and for your own pleasure. She is supposed to be a child joining the legion with the rest of you “High and Mighty” protectors of the universe and I expect her to be treated like a legionnaire as well. If you want us to join. And not some common freak show like our father set us out to be!”
“THAT IS ENOUGH!” Madame President called out.” ALL OF YOU! I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY OF THIS ANY LONGER! EVERYBODY UP FRONT AND CENTER, IN A LIN, SHOULDERS SQURES, BACKS STRAIGHT, AND HEAD UP!” She looks to Pru. “You two down there as well.” When everybody had done as they were told, Madame President stood in front of them. “Now you girls were in the wrong.”
Pru smiled.
“You had no right to be acting like that. That was unprofessional and unlegionnaire like.”
“Hmmph!” said Pru.
“And as for you, Prudence Page, I understand that you wanted to protect your sister and was quite right in doing so. But you are a Legionnaire now and must allow someone is authority to do that from now on.”
Pru let out a sharp, “HAH! Why should I?!”
“I know that the both of you have been through a lot, but now you must trust us to take care of the both of you,” said Madame President.
“I will believe that when I see it!”
Madame President said, with tenderness in her voice and yet with a sternness, “Well in order to convince you and as punishment for all you girls, you are all on probation. Except for Miss Sakura, Miss Vi, and Miss Mysa.”
“That’s not fair!”
“Ah, come on, there’s too much to do. We can’t be on probation.”
Pu shifted her weight to one leg, crossed her arms, and rolled her eyes. “Oh please. Crybabies,” She said to herself.
“Oh, you would know!” said the purple Triplicate Girl. Pru raised her right arm and made a talking sign with her hand.
Madame President raised her hands, saying, “ Now, now. Not all of you are off the hook.” Looking to the boys. “Brainiac 5, Lyle, Cham, you three are exempt from punishment.”
Lightning Lad slightly leaned into Brainiac 5,saying under his breath, to where only Brainy could here him, “lucky robot.”
As for the rest of you young gentlemen, for your behavior, you will be put on probation as well.”
“Come on.”
“Madame President?” Called Bouncing Boy. “ Madame President? M-Madame President? Excuse me? I didn’t act that way. I’m dating Triplicate Girl.”
Triplicate Girl merges back into one body, then she waves and winks and Bouncing Boy. In return he blows a kiss at her.
Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Pru said in unison, “Oh, come on. Go get a room, will you?” All three looked at each othee for a moment, surprised that they all thought the same thing, gave a quick smile, a small chuckle, and the looked away.
“Yes, you are exempt as well, Bouncing Boy. By the way, Will you please give Pru and Sakura a tour of the headquarter?”
“It would be my pleasure, Madame President,” Bouncing Boy replied.
“Meanwhile,” said Madame President as she turned towards the others. “ I would like a word with those you who are on probation. Especially you girls.”
With that, Bouncing Boy gave the girls the tour, which included showing them to their rooms. He then took them to the docking bay and showed them around the cruiser. After the tour was over, All three walked down to the dinning hall for dinner. Pru helped Sakura get something to eat. After her sister was settled at the table, Pru went to fix herself something. While Pru was fixing her plate, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, and all three Triplicate Girls walked over to the table where Sakura was sitting. “Hello there,” Saturn Girl said gently.
Sakura raised her head Slowly and eyed the five girls cautiously. She gulped nervously. “Don’t make me sick my sister on you!” Sakura told them.
“Oh, no, no, no. We’re not here to cause any trouble,” They said, waving their arms. “We just want to apologize for how we acted earlier and for scaring you.”
Meanwhile, Pru had just finished fixing her plate and was about to pick up some desert, but thought better of it when she looked over at Sakura. “This will do for now,” she said to herself as shw alked back over to her sisters table. As she sat down, She looked at the five girls standing around the table and asked, “May I help you?”
“We’re not here to cause any trouble. Like we told your sister, we just wanted to apologize for our action from earlier.”
Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot,” said Saturn Girl. “We would like to start over. So can we just put the past and attitudes behind us and have a fresh start?”
Pru looked at them, then at Sakura and said, “Well, it’s up to my sister. What do you say, Saki?”
Sakura looked up at her sister, then she looked up at the girls. “Well, I would like it if we all got along. And they do look sorry about what happened earlier.”
Pru sighed. “Well, alright.” As Pru agreed to put her attitude behind her, the white Triplicate Girl was reaching her hand towards one of Sakura’s ears to rub it. But Pru moved faster that any of the girls could see and backhanded the girl’s hand away.
“Owww!” the girl said softly as she rubbed her hand. Pru and the other girls just looked at her. “ I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to touch it,” She admitted to them.
“Well, I’m going to go get some desert,” Pru said.
“Desert!” said Sakura, sounding excited. “Did you say desert!”
“What do you want?” asked Pru
“Well, what do they have?” asked Sakura.
“Pru sighed. “You know, you could just go up there and look for yourself.”
“But I want to stay here and get to know these girls. Please Pru,” Sakura said as she looked up at her sister big, sad puppy-dog eyes and her ears down.
“That look is not going to work on me. Just tell me what you want.”
What do they have?”
Pru stood up and walked away.
“Please, Pru?”
“I’m not listning.” Any way, Pru went ahead and picked up a tray and picked up six deserts. Two of the same chocolate desert, while the other four were one of each.
Meanwhile, back at the table, the white triplicate girl was looking at Sakura asking, “ Please, I just want to touch it.” Referring to one of Sakura’s ears.
Sakura sighed. “All right,” she said. “You can touch the ear. You can all touch it if you want.” This made the other girls happy.
As Pru came back to the table, she noticed that all five girls had their arms stretched out, rubbing Sakura’s ears and stroking her tail. “Oh, for crying out loud. There are times I wish I didn’t know that girl,” Pru said to herself. “Having fun, are we.” Pru said as she put the tray down. The other girls sat down as well. Sakura noticed that there were six bowls of desert on the tray. “This one is mine,” Pru said as she took one of the deserts and pushed the tray towards her sister. “Oh, I need my spoon.” With that, Pru reached over anf grabbed her spoon, and sat back down to enjoy her desert. Sakura pulled the tray towards her as she set out to enjoy the deserts left on the tray. Pru , ON the other hand, took a bite out of her chocolate desert and moaned with delight as she savored the taste. Lightning Lad came over to the table at that moment.
“He wants to talk to Pru,” Saturn Girl loud enough for Pru to hear.
“Hello ladies,” said Lightning Lad as he reached the table.
“Go away,” Pru told him.
“No, no, no. You got me all wrong. I promise, I’m here to talk to Sakura.”
“No, you’re not,” Pru said matter-of-factly.
“And how do you know that?!?”
“Saturn Girl told me,” she said, then took another bite.
“Well . . . she’s wrong,” he replied, folding his arms across his chest.
“She’s a mind reader. If she’s wrong, it’s because something’s wrong with your brain.” You could hear silverware drop on the table as everyone stopped what they were doing. Silence swept across the dinning hall. They were all looking at the girl’s table at Pru. Pru continued to eat, not paying attention to anyone. She spoke the truth, therefore she felt she didn’t have to pay attention to him. He could take what she said and do with it as he pleased. Lightning Lad, on the other hand, with the way that he looked, was a sight to behold. He went three shades lighter, his eyes were as big as saucers, and his mouth, if it could reach the floor, was wide open. His arms, that had been folded, were now at his sides like spaghetti. The silence must have lasted for about 10-15 seconds before the snickering started at the girls’ table.
As the laughter rang out from Phantom Girl and all the girls, Phantom Girl stood up on her chair and held up her arms, “May I have your attention please?”
“Phantom Girl, what are you doing?” asked Lightning Lad through his teeth.
“We have just discovered Garth Ranzz’s match! The one person who can put him in his place. Prudence Page.” Everybody joined in the laughter, except for Brainiac 5 and Pru, most of all Garth. He was flabbergasted, embarrassed, and angry.
“Jerks,” he said under his breath as he stormed away. “I’m going to go mess with Computo.” He slammed his tray into the trash can at the door and walked out. Pru could not see the point in their laughing at him. He may have deserved some of it. But she felt that he didn’t deserve what had just happened. She stood up, done with her desert, she put the bowl and silverware into a tub and laid the tray on a stack of trays that was slowly growing due to Legionnaires that were done eating.
“I fail to see the logic in all of this,” said Brainiac 5. “Wait a minute, did he say Computo!” With that, Brainiac 5 was up and out the door.
The girls were still giggling when they look over at Sakura, who was almost finished with her fourth bowl of desert. All of this had happened in the space of three minutes. The girls’ laughter stopped as they looked on. There was a smile on Sakura’s face as she ate. Her tail was wagging back and forth with bliss, she had her sister’s love for deserts. Sakura stopped and looked up. “What? It’s good!” They couldn’t help but smile at her cuteness.
Pru came back to the table and sat down. She rolled her eyes as she looked over at her sister enjoying her last bowl of desert. “What can I say, she gets it from me. I love deserts too.”
Pretty soon they were all talking, realizing that hey had a lot in common. As the girls talked on, the excitement of what had happened earlier that day was finally taking its toll on Sakura. She was getting tired but trying her best to fight it. But her exhaustion won the battle. She wound up falling asleep, leaning against her sister. The girls had noticed that Sakura had become very quiet and looked over at her. They saw that she had fallen asleep. Pru felt her and looked down to her right and saw her sister asleep. “Looks like we’re going to have to save this conversation for another time. I’ve got to get the brat off to bed.”
“Ahhh. She looks like a little angel,” the girls said.
“Yeah, she does, doesn’t she. But she can also be quite stubborn and bull-headed when she wants to be.” The girls looked at her confused. Pru sighed and turned to Sakura saying, “Come on.” She lightly nudged her sister. Sakura stirred at the nudges and slowly sat up straight. She looked around with half-opened eyes. “Come on, Saki,” Pru said as she stood up. “Time to get you off to bed.”
“Huh? Okay,” Sakura replied sleepily. She stood up and followed her sister out of the dinning hall.
Once they got to Sakura’s room, Sakura changed into her night gown and Pru tucked her into bed. “Good night, Saki. See you in the morning.”
“Okay,” Sakura replied sleepily as she fell back to sleep. Pru then left Sakura’s room and went to her own to do the same, after fixing her uniform of course.

This is my domain. I am the Queen of Sweet and the Queen of Going Off. I have to the power to control everything and every one around me. This power was my curse but now it is my pride and joy. Bow to me my now little minions.

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