Just wanna make sure my colors and stuff are okay. biggrin Butttt, now that I'm already here, might as well talk! ^^ Ooo! I know biggrin
KENTUCKY FRIED....cruelty!?
The poor 'lil chickens! Well...The poor...uber...chickens, I guess... >< Can you believe it? They drug and feed the birds until they're so fat they can't even walk, then they break their legs and wings!! I mean, what would bring ANYone to do such a thing to any living creature? Are they SO money-mad that they would just torture chickens to make them TASTE good, in their opinion? Ugh..Just thinking of it makes me sick..
Now, whenever I see someone with their food I'm gonna see an abused chicken lying helplessly in their hands, about to be dropped in a boiler ALIVE. [[They do that too.]] Then I'll have tears in my eyes and run up to them, look at the food, look at them, look at them looking at me, and [[pretty much]] scream, really fast, "Don't eat Kentucky fried chicken EVER AGAIN! They torture their chickens! They break their wings and legs after drugging them and feeding them to make them so fat they can't walk! Then at slaughter, they slit the birds’ throats and they are dropped into tanks of boiling,scalding water—often while they are still conscious!!" I'll look at their freaked out expression and add softly. "Doesn't that make you never wanna eat there again?" If they say, "Wow..I never thought..WOW. Okay...-sets chicken down-..Show me where you found this out!" I'll say, "www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com" But, if they say "So?" Oh, HECK no. I'll slap them SO hard, their face will LITERALLY SPIN and turn redder than an overripe strawberry. :] That might help...a little?
That's about all I'm going to say on this subject! Because if I continue, it'll probably be about how I would react if I saw someone with a KFC sandwich..and then another would be what would happen if I saw the same person eating ANOTHER one after I told them and..oh, boy, a lot more randomness -.o hehe
Told you it would be random....
ILY, peoples! ^^ Bai Bai!
OhMaiGosh!!! >< I just got home from school..[[I made this entry this morning]]..and I watched the video on the site!! OHMYGOD!!! >< -tears roll down face- They..it...LOOK!! Go on the KFCruelty site and watch the EVIL video!! ><
OhMaiGod!! >< Those flipping JERKS!!! I hope they burn in the deepest, darkest corner at the bottom of hell where dragons roam and burn them very slowly!! >< Those..UGH!! T-T Poor Flipping chickens!! And Cartoons give them a bad name too! They make them seem all stupid and crap, but they aren't...-sobs- Baka.Baka baka baka baka baka!!! >< -curls up in a ball and sobs in the corner-
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