Come Come, Child! Come around! A elven looking girl in blue said will playing a flu and dancing too. I have a story to! A story that must not be heard, But yet, Its a story I must tell! A story I shall tell! As the elven girl sang and danced her dance. Child from the village came around. Wanting to hear this story. The elven girl, with one last breath with her flu and a flip of her hair, sat in the middle. Singing the start of the story in a wonderful voice. It could be hear, far and wide. Mountain to mountain. Lake to lake. Everyone stopped to listen to this wonderful, amazing voice. Here is a story I shall tell, I once had a master! What an evil master he was! He was evil in every way!! I was his slave, He made me do everything. Along with my partner. Oh, he was a bad bad man, I tell ya! So here is what my story I shall tell..... As she stopped sing to take a breath. She started to talk with a voice of an beautiful angle. Once was a boy, a half demon boy he was. With an attitude as rude as can be! With ears of a dog. Silver hair. And wore the fur of the fire rat itself! He was an weird little boy. As she tells the story, it fades into a flack back......
(Go watch Inuyasha Movie 1 Affections Touching Across Time for the story!!!!!)
After the story, the elven girl stands up and looks around with the child in a "Aw" state and laughs. I do not know how I lived, But I, Ruri, did, And here is my story.... Past it on to your child, For it shall be in your head forever more.... She sing as she left playing her flu and putting a hooded cape over her as darkness came over her and she was gone, forever more.
IITenxtenII · Wed Mar 18, 2009 @ 05:15am · 0 Comments |