Gaia Opening #2
Shenlong: Yo Demitsue!
Demitsue: What?
Shenlong: I'm going out ok?
Demitsue: stare Where you goin'?
Shenlong: Wherever my heart takes me..... Nahhh I'm just kidding.
blaugh I'm just going for a walk.
Demitsue: Alright.
Shenlong: *Opens door and goes out then closes door*
Shenlong: Ahhhhh....Fresh air. I guess I'll go by the river and chill.
-At the river-

*Water splashing peacefully*
Shenlong: *Lays down on grass* Now this is what I call relaxation..... -_-
Shenlong: Woah! What the heck was that!!!? eek Better go check it out!
*Shenlong follows the loud explosion*
Shenlong: Holy Moly! A freaking crater!!!!!!

Shenlong: Dang this thing is huge! I wonder what caused it?
*something hits Shenlong in the head and sends him flying*
Shenlong: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shenlong hits ground* Ahhhh!! What the-?

Shenlong: Tsk! Yeah right! You don't even look like a demon!
*demon jumps up and lands on the ground and creates another crater*
Shenlong: Daaaayuuuum!!!! eek
*demon hits shenlong with tail*
Shenlong: See now it's personal! *shen uppercuts demon*
Demon: Rahhhh!! *demon throws a mighty punch at Shenlong*
Shenlong: *Dodges punch and hits demon in the stomach with a punch*
Demon: Ahhhhhhh!!! eek *Demon unleashes a powerful blow at Shenlong's stomach and hits him*
Shenlong: Gah! *blood comes out of mouth* I'll kill you!!!

*Demon flies a mile back*
Shenlong: *Huff...Puff* *Coughs* I'm not done with you!
*Demon appears behind Shenlong and elbows him in the cap of his head*
Shenlong: evil You wanna see my full power!!!!? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Shenlong: This will end you!!!!!!

Shenlong: *Stares at demon on the ground* You mess with the get the horns..*shenlong walks away*
Demon: .....
Shenlong: *spits blood out of his mouth* Tell your friends if they want some....come get some!
*Demon disappears*
To Be Continued
Gaia's Ending #2