This is just a place to keep up with Kaya Rayvn's ever expanding family. Kaya Rayvn and all other character's placed in this post are property of me. They are all my creations and therefore it is stealing to use any of them without my direct consent.
Kaya's(Massive) family:
King Kaleb Kurt Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Dia Eagar ((God of Order in Gaelic)) Age: 62 Signature Evee-lution; Eevee itself Unique traits: King Kaleb is the father of seven children, three of whom are gay: Kaya, Valahn and Krissi. He refuses to train Pokemon but raises and breeds Eevees that are put up for adoption for his subjects. Favorite Pokemon attack at his disposal; Pain Split
Queen Karmica Kirsten Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Bandia Firinne ((Goddess of Truth in Gaelic)) Age: 63 Signature Eevee-lution; Eevee itself Unique traits: Queen Karmica is almost pure Irish. Her accent is strong, though she speaks perfect English. This makes it difficult to understand her sometimes. Favorite Pokemon attack at her disposal; Perish Song
Kiel Restric Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Toirneach Dia ((Thunder God in Gaelic)) Age: 44 Signature Eevee-lution; Jolteon(3) Unique traits: Kiel wears a suit made from shiny Jolteon hairs and a cloak over it made from Zapdos feathers. He wears a thin wear on his head that sports a Light Ball in it rather than a rare gem. Favorite Pokemon attack at his disposal; Spark
Krystofer Mitchell Rayvn Name is Native Harmonian: Uisce Dia ((Water God in Gaelic)) Age: 42 Signature Eevee-lution; Vaporeon(4) Unique traits: Krystofer seems to always be wearing a one piece diving suit and can always be seen with at least one Water Pokemon by his side that isn't his, as well as one of his multiple Vaporeon. Favorite Pokemon attack at his disposal; Octazooka
Kaylee Michelle Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Intinn Bandia ((Mind Goddess in Gaelic)) Age: 38 Signature Eevee-lution; Espeon(2) Unique Traits: Kaylee has an unbelievably high IQ and specializes in Pokemon/human cross-genetics. She likes to wear spring colors and prefers a sky blue lab coat to a regulation white one. Favorite Pokemon attack at her disposal; Gravity
Krissi McKenzie Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Tine Bandia ((Fire Goddess in Gaaelic)) Age: 36 Signature Eevee-lution; Flareon(2) Unique traits: Krissi seems to have the uncanny ability to locate Kaya no matter how hard he tries to hide from her. She has virtually no inhibitions and is so hyper most of the time that she seems to be in a constant sugar high. Favorite Pokemon attack at her disposal; Heat Wave
Adamant Tristin Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Dia Dorchadas ((God of Darkness in Gaelic)) Age: 21 (seven seconds older than Kaya) Signature Eevee-lution; Umbreon(1) Unique traits: Adamant is usually called Adam for short and is one of the only two Rayvn children who's name does not start with a K. He prefers to wear his travel worn clothes, tattered as they may be, over his Pokemon Ranger uniform. Favorite Pokemon attack at his disposal; Dark Pulse
Valahn Anima Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Dia Oighear((God or Ice)) or Dia Sioc((God of the Freeze in Gaelic)) Age: 21 (12 seconds younger than Kaya) Signature Eevee-lution; Glaceon(3) *Doesn't remember that he has them and Prof. Notaro has kept them hidden* Unique traits: Valahn isn't his birth name. His birth name was Valiant but he had it changed by request at age 6. He is the second of the Rayvn childen who's name doesn't start with K. Favorite Pokemon attack at his disposal; Aurora Beam/Sheer Cold ((He can't decide since Notaro beat it into him that power is more important but he's better at using Aurora Beam))
Scarlett Joni Rayvn Name in Native Harmonian: Dearg Leanbh ((Red Child in Gaelic)) Age: 7 Signature Pokemon; Riolu Unique traits: Scarlett is Kaya's seven year old daughter and the only known grandchild of the Rayvn family. She's also the only known grandchild who does not use an Eevee considering, her father, aunt, uncles and grandparents have already got them all. Favorite Pokemon attack at her disposal; Sky Uppercut
Daniel Sintana Krowe Name in Native Harmonian: Caillte Leanbh ((Lost Child in Gaelic)) Age: 7 Signature Pokemon; Metang Unique traits; Kaya's long lost son and Scarlett's paternal twin brother. His Signature Pokemon and Favorite Attack aren't of the same type, though the attack can be learned by the Pokemon. Favorite Pokemon attack at his disposal; Sludge Bomb
Requiem of Whyspers · Thu Mar 26, 2009 @ 06:56am · 0 Comments |