“Hey, it’s not my fault! I just really want to get back home…” replied Eevee.
“I know, I know. I was just kidding. Come on guys, let’s get moving. We have a long way to go”
With that, the team began their journey into the ruins. They saw many Unown floating in the air, but none attacked them. Roland decided not to say anything to that effect, for he believed that their silence was what was keeping the Unown away. But, much to Roland’s dismay he was wrong. The thing keeping the Unown away was fear; fear of the Glaceon in the middle of the room.

It gave off an aura of power, but Roland was not afraid. He and Sigga could make easy work of a Glaceon.
“Hello, boys.” Purred the Glaceon, “My name is Lucretia. May I ask what you are doing in my home, or can we skip the formalities and battle?”
“Your on Lucretia,” shouted Roland in reply, “but you’re going to lose this one.”
“We’ll see about that…”
Lucretia let loose a Water Pulse in their direction. Roland managed to dodge, but it hit Mugen full force in the stomach. Sigga was nowhere to be seen, and Roland decided to kill him later for this betrayal. As Roland was plotting Sigga’s demise, he saw a glint of flame from above and then a flurry of Ember attacks. So, Sigga hadn’t abandoned them after all, he had just found a hiding place and was attacking…
Lucretia dodged most of the barrage like an expert, but was not able to dodge it all. An Ember hit her in the leg and another hit her side. She was down, and Roland knew it would probably be only momentarily, so he leapt onto her and threw her against a wall with his teeth. He jumped back and threw another Ember, and Lucretia was finished.
They continued into the ruins, still uneasy with all of the Unown in the area. They seemed docile enough, but it still made Roland feel a little unnerved to be surrounded. He knew that the Unown weren’t exactly the strongest Pokemon on the planet, but they were still possible foes.

They were approached by an Umbreon and an Espeon.
“Oh, great. What do you want with us?” asked Roland angrily.
“I am Umbra.” said the Espeon.
“And I am Polaris.” said the Umbreon.
“We are here to fight you, of course. We heard what you did to our friend Lucretia, and now we seek vengeance on her behalf.” Umbra and Polaris spoke in unison.
“Fine! But we’re not exactly in a good mood.” Roland barked and then leapt at Umbra.
Umbra let loose a Psychic on Roland and threw him to the floor. Mugen had hit Polaris with a Bullet Punch to the face, and then in the side with another punch. He kicked it in the side. Roland had never really noticed how fast Mugen was before, but now he could see it. Polaris was down now, but Roland knew why: Umbra was obviously the powerful one.
“Oh s**t…” Roland said as he aw Umbra moving towards Nessa.
Nessa hit Umbra with an Absorb and managed to stop her approach at least. Umbra seemed very focused on Nessa, and Roland knew all too well what was coming next, so he did what was necessary.
“Hey, Umbra! Leave her alone!”
Roland used Bite and latched onto Umbra’s leg. Umbra winced in pain and tried to shake Roland off, which didn’t work. Mugen jumped on top of Umbra and began to throw punches on it’s back. Slowly, they beat Umbra to the floor. Umbra was down, and they moved her next to Polaris and hoped that despite the beating, the two Pokemon would not encounter trouble with any others.
On the next floor, they saw an Eevee standing in a battle pose.
“Eevee, just so you know, we’ve taken out some evolutions. You stand no chance. Please, don’t bother us.” the Eevee didn’t move.
“Fine. Mugen, this is yours.”
Mugen hit the Eevee with a Bullet Punch to the chin and Sigga scratched at it. The Eevee went down fast, the easiest battle yet..
In the next room, they met a Leafeon. They heard another noise from behind them, but ignored it for now. Roland hit the Leafeon with an Ember and then a Flare Blitz. He took some serious damage, but the Leafeon was done for. Roland knew that the easy battles would not last forever, and that eventually they would get into some trouble.
In the next room, they saw Lucretia again.
“What do you want now? We’ve already beaten you once Lucretia, don’t make us do it again.” Roland growled.
“You’re going to have to.” she replied.
“Fine!” Roland jumped up and Sigga ran forward.
Sigga hit Lucretia with an Ember, and Lucretia retaliated with a Water Pulse. It hit Sigga hard, but it gave Roland his opening. He sent a barrage of Ember attacks at Lucretia, knocking her to the ground.
“Here Sigga, have a Sitrus Berry.” Roland offered up the berry to Sigga.
Sigga ate the berry and they continued on, leaving Lucretia on the ground. They didn’t see her stand back up and begin stalking after them.

They encountered a Jolteon in the next room, and Roland was having a hard tie thinking strategy. The Jolteon was a bright neon blue color instead of the normal yellow.
“What was it about this place that made so many abnormally colored Pokemon?” Roland thought to himself.
The thought would have to wait, for Jolteon was the main problem. But, Roland was thankful that he noticed how small it was. It appeared to be a baby, maybe one that had found a Thunderstone by mistake and evolved.
“Hey, guys, it’s just a kid. This one will be easy.” Roland whispered to his team.
“Heh heh… Got it Boss.” Mugen replied and jumped at the jolteon, beating it in the face. The Jolteon went down quickly.
In the next room, they stopped to rest for a moment before seeing another Leafeon, this time a purple one.

“Okay, seriously, too many alternate colorings here. I thought I was unique, but apparently not.”