Definitions of melancholy on the Web:
* a feeling of thoughtful sadness
* a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
* characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the ...
* black bile: a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy
* somber: grave or even gloomy in character; "solemn and mournful music"; "a suit of somber black"; "a somber mood"
* Melancholia (from Greek μελαγχολία - melagcholia , also called lugubriousness, moroseness, or wistfulness), in contemporary usage, is a mood disorder of non-specific depression, characterized by low levels of enthusiasm and eagerness for activity. ...
* Great sadness or depression; gloom, with connotations of dullness; black bile; Affected with great sadness or depression
* Melancholy is that state of alienation or weakness of mind which renders people incapable of enjoying the pleasures, or performing the duties of life. It is a degree of insanity, and often terminates in absolute madness. [Buchan1785]. ...
* Part of the theory of four humours, brought on by excess of gloominess
Melancholy.... Melancholy....
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