heart First: Mamma Mia! Not really my kind of movie, I thought, with all the singing and happy people. I was wrong! It's wonderful. I've seen it twice at the movies and I can't stop listening to the cd. Really a feel-good movie <3

heart And then there is Girl with a pearl earring. A movie after the wonderful story by Tracy Chevalier. As an art-history student I love the story behind paintings and artist. And that's just what this movie is about; the 17th century dutch master Vermeer and his work.

heart Another movie about an artist! Modigliani, not a really well-known painter, from the beginning of the 20th century. I don't really like his work, but the movie is awesome. Very dramatic story about love and money. Its beautiful how the world of artists and painters is showed in this movie.
Well i hope my english wasn't that bad xp
More movies next time, I'm hungry now. Think i'm going on a hunt through the house for... cookies ninja !!