Random Thoughts
You know those days when you just stop, and start to think why do i bother? Well i had one of those today... Normally i just shrug it off and continue my day however this one hit me pretty hard. It hit me all of a sudden that i still don't know what i want to do with my life. Here i am about to turn 20 and yet i still have no idea what i may want to do official in the future. I have many ideas about what i would like to do but nothing really solid that i could just go all out for. I guess you could say im afraid of the future right now, and i do have to admit that i am a bit afraid. My work for example i see alot of people in their 30's and 40's who have worked there for the last ten years. I guess im afraid of ending up in a dead end job like they did. Then there are my friends. My buddy Nick who lives away from me is joining the army only on the fact that he see's no other way out. Im going to be losing him for the next 4 years, and that makes me really sad. With all these things going against me in life i start wondering why i even try. However im very fortunate that i have some how held onto some moral. Yes my life may be confusing as all hell right now, but then i start to remember the past. My younger years where tens times worse then things are now, and when i think about the talent i do hold i start to realize more of the potential my future can still hold. The future may be a mystery to all, but its not set in stone. With the lesions i have learned in the past, and hope guiding me to the future i can only imagine weather it will be good and bad. For all of those who took time to read this i thank you for reading my ramblings! I wish you luck with your future as well as mine. ^_^
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so dont say day
im joining the army, and hopefully going to start my life with diana ._.
and your a part of me life Dx so get used to it