Akio Sugara
age 24
Height 6-3
Weight 175 Pounds

Weapon 1: A Modified Hand Gun Called Norman.
It can shoot any type of bullet. Cept for Shotguns, Rpg, All the Big Guns like snipers.
Weapon 2: A Golden Revolver that fires Gold Tipped shells that pack quiet a punch
Tools: Grappling Hook, Knife,
First aid kit, Herbs, Binoculars, Extra Rope.
Bio: He was and orfan he was found in a garbage can covered in blood. And put in and Orfanage, he was their for 10 years of his life, he hated it. A Elderly couple took him in on his 10th Birthday The nice old man, who went by the name Ken the old lady was called maria. He was happy for 5 years, until they were killed by and unknown foe deffinatly was not human, he again found himself alone, in the cold rain. He was not going back into and orfanage. So he was on the run for quite along time, the last thing he had of the 2 old people was the 2 guns that ken gave him for his 15th Birthday. So for 6 Years, he trained, to become someone that could hold his own. HE became a Hired Gun and he has a bad attitude, but not to bad he has a very short temper. But can ya blame the guy. He is polite sorta unless ya piss him off. He Studied on how to modify guns to make them more useful.