ONLY when it comes to stories for Chrissy. XD
So bleh. :]
More to come as I finish. =D

Full Name: Sena Akii Marths
Nick Names: Sen
Species: Winged Fae
Relationship Status: Single at first, but then goes out with... [Haven't thought of name]
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hair: Long and straight, orchid colored or purple. She does different things with her all all the time, never really sticks with one hairstyle unless she can'tt hink of anything else.
Eyes: Red.
Height: 5'5
Build: athletic but curvy
Other Important Details: Split personality. Sena gone bad when out at night.
Personality: Dangerous and feared at night while loved by most during the day. She attends high school like any other person and her duties are to keep the Fae's in hand and to make sure that another war doesn't break out between the humans and the Fae's. She keeps a close eye on her younger sister Yuzuki, while keeping her private life at bay as well. She's very dangerous at night and can be very scary when irritated.
More pictures of Sena by me and/or others:
By me; Sena at night again

Full Name: Yuzuki Akii Marths
Nick Names: Yuzu
Species: Half Fae Half Human
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Hair: Long and straight, orchid colored or purple. Always tied back in a ponytail
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'1
Build: Weak but mostly healthy
Other Important Details: Yuzuki is in an eternal slumber. She only wakes when something bad is about to happen. Her sister, Sena, takes care and loks after her even though she's asleep basically every month of every year.
More pictures of Yuzuki by me and/or others:

Full Name: Souta Nobu Yoshimoto
Nick Names: none
Species: Demon
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 15
Gender: male
Hair: [Idk yet]
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'7
Build: Athletic, strong, siiiiiix-pack. [ =D ]
Other Important Details: He has a thing for Yuzuki, but Sena doesn't allow him near her after the incident that happened when he last saw Yuzuki. [Read that in the explanations entry, but it might not be there yet. ]
More pics of Souta by me/others: