I was on my computer for ages and after i had my dinner i went onto gaiaonline and there was a different back ground and i was like oh yeah its Easter whee xd
And it explained everything so i started to seach for eggs... lol
It took me 10mins to find 10 eggs.... sweatdrop
But it did reward you. Lots of other people found it before me thow ..
I looked at the Easter Event forum and every1 was telling what the new tiems were and im just like i want to find it out my self ...
Anyway the 2nd level was to find 25 eggs and that took me not that long actauly razz . Then i got this realy cute chick scarf ! And i was just like AWWWWW 4laugh
Level three i was nearly crying.You had to find 100 EGGS! Its took me 2 hours... wink .I new what the 3rd item was cuz i saw it on the Easter Event forum but i kinda realy wanted it . After i got the 100 eggs it said i had to find 500 EGGS! And i was like ... How the heck am i ment to find bloody 500 eggs. By the time i got 10/500 eggs i went to bed and it was 2 in the morning !.The next morning i got up at 12 at lunch . Went on the Easter Event Forum and there it was. SOME ALREADY GOT THE 4TH BLOODY ITEM ! I was like how the heck did he get that eek
Im on about ... Wait let me have a look whee 38/500 eggs....
I got along way to go. But i heard it was on for another 5 days . I dont even think that anothe time for me to get 500 eggs !
Thanks for reading, keep tuned for the next entry heart
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