Really, it has.
Well, its been my birthday, i'm older.
Connor texts me all the time, and on our trip, he sat next to me on the bus, and at lunch.
And almost every day at carpool...
I REEALLLYY like him. A LOT!!
Its a 3/2 he likes me.
Its kinda obvious.
I'm just waiting for him to ask me out,
which the chances here are...
1/a million?
Not too bad.
But he's all against this "stuff".
I dunno,
But its okay.
It doesn't need to be official...
J u s t - a s - l o n g - a s - I - g e t - t o - s p e n d - t i m e - w i t h - h i m .
Alex is over me fur sure.
I made sure of that situation.
And its nice with me and Convict,
cute, actually...
I laugh a lot with him,
and my stupidity makes him chuckle too.
its really nice,
When I think of him,
I get this 'blue sky, nice- happy- felling' type of vibe.
When he talks it's like : Everything is going to be alright.
When I'm around him, my troubles slip right through,
and he's the center of the room. world.
He is hardly serious.
When I talk with him,
I don't even have to think about what i'm saying.
Things just flow. Chemistry is right.
I spur witty thinks, funny things, and good points he agrees with.
This is the one. We just click.
He's my happy ending.
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╫My life╫
My ramblings of things left un-ramblled.
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quality you can taste
i used to be punk rock (and other lies.)