Heres a list for gena of all the things that death note has taught me:
-When faced with a Shinigami, prepare a handful of apples- -Death gods only eat apples- -Crazy people are either Jesus or Judas. Depends- -If you think your new BFF and his girlfriend could be serial killers, they probably are. Just kill them now: It will spare you the trouble later on, and maybe even your life- -Don't get a MySpace! [or Light will find out all that bad stuff you have been doing...]- -If you work your brain it does not matter how much you eat; you will never get fat!- -Always use an alias/nickname. Maybe some random letter from the alphabet- -Never reveal your real name unless you really trust someone. even then, you might want to re-think that nickname- -Never pick up something if you do not know what it is- -Being a genius can make you miss a whole year of school!- -Always sit in the fetal position, lest your reasoning ability decreases by 40%- -Strange and wonderful things happen when you eat potato chips- -If you say "sakujo/delete/eliminate" while writing someone's name, your pen can radiate badass blue and red laser beams- -Do not judge a book by its cover- -Never accuse of someone of doing/being something wrong until proven so- -If you really think he/she is a mass murderer; arrest them immediately!- -Save up money to buy a lil' TV set and stuff it in your favorite brand of chips- -Do not become a genius who can solve any case in the world. Chances are you will be murdered before reaching adulthood- -Sweets do not make you fat- -Always have an extra Death Note handy- -Never, and I really do mean never, let anyone near your notebook- -You can pull off being on the investigation team that is after you- -Blonde, goth girls are really immature- -Faking your own death is fun!- -Boys like sweets more then girls do- -You are never too young to play with toys-
RoiMustangu · Thu Apr 16, 2009 @ 12:12am · 1 Comments |