yeah today i jus umm being bored and emo
emo when "lady jay" logged on msn and we talked for a while and i sayed "gosh im so bored" and she sayed "go kill,kill osmething or someone lol" yeah then i started to act likke her slave
xp and it was fun lol she didint make me do weird stuff she was jus being herself(nice) and she can be really mean sometimes
scream but most of the time shes jus nice
haha im sounding like im in luv hahahahaha
redface but im not
whee or am I hahahahaha
she probbably thinks im weird haha
i adopted a chibi!
name: Spike
likes: Poking people randomly, Sharp things, Metal Music
doesn't like: Hearts, Rap, Hip-Hop
owner: Lord Of D00m
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!