today was the final day of what was my chaos week and i'm pleased to say went fairly well. the only thing i have to work really hard on presentation. i'm actually surprised that i managed to get my work done..and..actually well. for most of the assignments i had done i had passed the assignments. and today i got a new phone. i got a vibrant blue Rumor 2. usually..the rumor 2 isn't available in stores. but i have a relative working at sprint and they were getting a shipment of the phones on sunday. but i came in with my mom and we managed to get the phone today. and it freakin rocks! (sorry i'm watching that 70's show.) so..woo freaking hoo! and i just transferred my audition account from nexon to redbana..haha..kinda reminds me demetri martin.'m installing audition on my laptop since i deleted it from my other pc. i deleted it cause i kept getting disconnected when i was using audition when i it was still with nexon. but then again that was around the same time they were handing audition over to redbana. fault i suppose?..omg..sleepy..
EDIT: OMG i just realized that there isn't a day 3 or day 4 in my chaos/hell week.
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