Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
S/U/Sk: Uke
Race: Human
1: Shy
2: Sweet
3: Always has best interest at heart
Turn On:
1: Massages
2: Kindness in bed
3: Occasional brutalities in and out of bed {sexually}
Turn Off:
1: Scary people
2: Rude people
3: Threats
Biography: Alex was sold into slavery by his mother who wanted drugs. He had never known anything other than a man coming onto him, but luckily for him, his Master had always been there to stop anyone from getting far with him. Then one day Alex's Master become ill and dies of a disease, leaving all his little slaves for the pickings of those who desired them. When knowledge got out that his youngest slave, Alex, was a virgin, there was a clamor of people, supernatural and not, to get him. He was put back into the slave trade with all the other virgins, and his whole life get's thrown upside down.

Name: Kiera Jilha
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
S/U/Sk: Uke
Race: Human
1: Quick to judge
2: Untrusting
3: Endures pain easily
Turn On:
1: Gentility
2: Soft words
3: whip cream
Turn Off:
1: Beatings
2: Blood
3: Pain
Biography: Kiera was born into the slave trade, her whole life being a living hell. She has been past from master to master, each time her beatings more brutal than the next. The burning desire to be free has gotten her through most of her life. Kiera is a beautiful girl, but the bruises and cuts hide that beauty from the world. Her passion to speak her mind got her at the slave trade's beginning once more and she's worried. She's a battered and bruised girl, who wants that for a slave?