Anyways, that is that. Today was a bad day. I hate this town. And the people in it. They really ruin it for me. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live down south, with my family, obviously. I love my family... they are so entertaining. And even though I wouldn't be able to be with them every day I would get to see them a lot more than I do now. Maybe I could baby sit my younger cousins? Maybe my older cousins could baby sit me? Ha, that's kinda funny. What? Nevermind.
I am listening to Behind the Sea. I like this song a lot... and I think you know why. Ha, you are so funny! Go die. You jerk. Forget you then! I don't need you. All I need is me. And my few friends. Isn't funny how I can cont all my friends on my hands? I love that. Actually, I really do. I am not being sarcastic. I realize that sometimes people can't tell if I am being sarcastic or not. I use sarcasm a lot, and apparently they were raised in a family like mine. Oh boy, wouldn't they have loved my family...
Now I am listening to Nevershoutnever! Yipee! Hehe, you know? No, you don't know. I know. Oh well for you!
So this weekend I probably will be working on my history day project. It's not like I have anything better to do. No one ever invites me to do anything. Well, they do, once they realize they have hurt my feelings by planning something right in front of me. People are such jerks. I hope they all die. Even better, I hope I get to kill them. And I'll use a power saw. I'll start by slicing off there legs, and then work my way up... it will be better to watch them suffer. That is kind of evil. I love it.