You ever notice how similar two v's are to a w? vv = w? Weird. Instead of calling it a 'double-u' they should have called it a 'double-v'. Hehehe. Anyway, this is a wishlist for stuffs I'm buying currently. I probably have enough gold to get them all, but I don't want to sell my items. ( I luffles dem all. c: ) So i'll just earn them the old-fashioned way. These are for a dream avvie, so...yeah. This is mostly just a check-off list for me, so you can know, go on with your life.
Dark Elf's Staff2. Elemental Wings
3. Grizzly Hoodie
Cheshire Cat Tail5.
Coal Gunner Boots6.
Dead Sexy Rose Skull Pin7.
Burned Apocaripped Knit Gloves8.
Studded Leather Collar9. Midnight Gothic Bat Corset Dress
10. GO Phones
KoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoXWill end up being this:

*~ x- Spazz Muffin -x Tektek-ed this. Go spam her inbox. ~*
Community Member
Glad you loved it!
Don't you just love the grizzly on your head?
He's my favorite!