Red has finally learned how to get past that story and fix some wrongs. After intensive research, she found out that the wolf was sent to assassinate her by someone named "The Forgotten Soldier". She has no idea who this soldier is, but she'll be ready for anything now as she wields a Frostbite Sword and is accompanied by a raccoon warrior named Tama.
The Forgotten Soldier is less known. She is a moving statue with one goal; to destroy Red. Apparently, she has the ability to protect the world from the Soldier's plans of world destruction.
All Red has to do is save the world from the mysterious villain, while delivering a basket of goods.
Red and Tama

Total Value: 340,111 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Tama's Basket
Brown SKA shoes
Blood Gothic Bat Trousers
Ribbon Luv Sleeves
Reve Rouille
Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood
Frostbite Blade
The Mysterious Soldier

Total Value: 2,726,391 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Outlaw Wolf Pup
Ancient Naginata
Shade Ghost Hunter Utility Boots
Dead Sexy Midnight Trousers
Silent Night
Freddy Claws
Light Grey And Grey Reversible Bracelets
Stone Guardian Mask