It's almost been a week since I moved into my new place and it's just as I expected it to be. There's a slight awkwardness in the air and no one is completely comfortable but I know that'll improve with time. This situation is just as lonely as I thougt it'd be too. With no friends or family around I'm free to do what I want when I want and with who I want without a single question. Sounds great right? Well I find it quite depressing. It makes it seem as though no one cares. Spending hours upon hours by myself also helps me focus on how lonely I am and how much I really do need companionship.
-sigh- I'm sure this'll all pass and that everything will work out and be be better with time.
BTW, I still don't have my own comp with internet so I'm using the room mates'. I hate it so much! It's so frikkin slow that I find myself going to my favorite sites less and less when before I could spend hours do it. Ah well. That'll change too eventually.
Chibi Cheeks78 · Thu May 07, 2009 @ 03:38am · 1 Comments |