So I've been telling my mom all week that we need to go to Japantown this weeked so I can pick up my textbook...thing...whatever it's called and so I ask my mom this morning "what time are we going?" (to Japantwon) and my mom apparently doesn't remember me saying ANYTHING about this and scolded me for telling her about this "last minute" and basically said that we can't go this weekend because it's too late of a notice and she doesn't want to drive all the way to San Fransisco just to get a book and that she's busy today And she refuses to buy it off the net too, because she doesn't trust those internet sites (I actually don't blame her for this one, and I'm still angered about my Higurashi discs turning out to be bootleggers from the last time I bought something off the net) So yeah. I'm screwed. I guess I'll have to wait 'till our class trip to Japantown? When exactly is this anyways? I still don't know cuz Deihl hasn't told us anything.
RoiMustangu · Sat May 16, 2009 @ 11:18pm · 1 Comments |