Hellouuu!! =) WT---??!!!! SICK?!!!!!!! gonk scream stressed  Well.. right now I feel sick.. like I think I caught a cold?!!! DD= No waaaaaay!! I don't want to be sick!! gonk I hope it's nothing that severe nor anything that big!!! Just a small temporary cold that'll be gone in a few minutes!! I hope soooooooo!!! crying Please!!!!!!!! >_< I think am going to with my daddy in a bout half an hour.. to buy a hairdryer.. >_> 'cuz my stupid brother broke the one we had a few weeks agooo!!! DDX and I can't live without one.. sort of.. I've been living without it for a few days, but nooo!!! Like one night.. I had to study for this test.. and my hair was soo wet!! still.. and there was no air from the window.. and I thought of turning the AC on.. and it did get dried!! cool but.. that's just wrong.. 'cuz that can hurt my head and stuff.. >_> soo I haven't tried doing that again!! DD= 'cuz it's scary sisnc emy bro told me that that's why my older sister gets headaches and stuff.. >_>
Amazon_Chik · Sun May 17, 2009 @ 06:36pm · 0 Comments |