I can't believe I did!!!
Man.. this friend of mine.. well I feel like I've been mistreated in various ways by her.. dunno.. but I feel hostility coming fromher all time.. but like.. especially towards me.. >_> and it seems like she only hangs out with me when her other friend is not.. and today I finally cracked. I couldn't stand it anymore.. soo during recess I had to go to the only friend left that can give sympathy to me.. and I cried.. cry I couldn't go anywhere else.. for me.. it seems like she's the only one that I got now.. my besties.. well one is not talking to me and God knows why.. soo I'm not going to tlak to her until she comes to me.. and my other bestie is with her.. and well who knows where she was.. We've been growing apart lately..
Dunno what to do.. I don't liek confrontation.. I dunno how to tell this to that friend that's making me feel this way.. if she dislikes me that much she should just say something.. and having no one else to comfort me is sad..
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By: - Dsainer -
Gotta love my big sis~
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