[D]reams. Dreams...the elements that provide the all races a way to escape from normalties. To reach out to the impossible, to scope the horizons of the Earth. Some spoke of memories, cherished by the likes of many, and some held nightmares, crawling with the darkness that fills one's heart. Darkness which consumed nearly all residents of Alrax. 'Why?' One may ask. The Blacks. Those with dark intentions, made to destroy the likes of all other cat demon races. They killed as they pleased, made out actions which caused society pain. To kill or be dominated...was the basic covenant of the world at the moment.
Aschton Ricci. General Asch as many would say. The legendary Black general who slaughtered all who stood in his way. That is...all but two. Two small twin males. Word spread throughout the lands of this detail, but none questioned Asch's leadership. Those who wished to live that is...did not question.
Late afternoon had well settled, sun lowering with every waking moment. A dreaded silence seemed to grow over the lands of Alrax, the Blacks awaiting for the moment which came slowly. At long last the sounding of hooves rung through the skies, two large sections of horsemen appearing across a green clearing. Males dressed in garmets of war sat upon their steeds, staring directly ahead as they carefully scanned their surroundings. Blacks. Many would state the severity of the situation when cat demons dressed in all black, with deep black locks and fur upon their ears, came upon them. Black...the symbol of all darkness.
One white stallion lead the rest, whose sturdy build brought proudness to the individual who sat upon its back. A male in black, completely dressed in the finest of armor made with the riches of the army's plunder. Black coursing locks gracefully fell to his shoulders, lapping his pure white skin. One light green hue spanned ahead, awaiting the moment to where something other than green would appear, as the other lay hidden under a black eyepatch. Around his neck, beneath the plated chest, lay a pearled necklace, uniquely finished with a small cross. Asch. Just...Asch.
The armed men could never put a past to their great General Asch, for nothing was told of it. Even to Asch himself, his past lies unknown or forgetful and lingers on the question of why he has no last name. Why he was named for only appearances, and why was he one of the few who did not have a tail. 'Genetics.' Some say. Would it be? Would it be genetics that he was left without anyone or anything, picked up by a silver-haired cat demon and raised? This...no one knew of either. Asch kept it deeply hidden, so that none questioned his upbringing and incapability to control the Black army.
He truly did not have a problem slaying the silver-haired ones, until they came into his view. They, the ones with different colored hues and light silver hair, lighter than others he had come across. Asch couldn't bring himself to do it. Somehow his barrier had been crumbled to a bit of his past that day...
'General!' Asch quickly snapped back to reality, swerving his white stallion, who was shortly named Akram for his heafty nature. "What is it?" The man, who had come from the second row of the first section, had eyes the color of his cross, a golden, yet bland color. 'The men wish to know of where our location lies...' His voice lingered as a nasty cold look appeared upon the General's face, reply lining with disrespect towards this younger and bold male. "Our location is none of their business, now return to your position." Speechless by Asch's outburst, the man scampered back to his assigned line. Idiots... Green hue once again returned foward, focusing on the faint but noticable castle which grew larger. Many of the men could not see it due to lack of usage of their vision, but even with one eye Asch could spot it. The castle which had been appointed to him, and even though the king of the Blacks had not been titled, Asch had a good feeling that he would be assigned to it. Sure enough...when he dominated all of Alrax.
The sky had darkened to the slightest as the army paraded to the entrance of the castle gates, which opened welcomingly to them. The men smiled and cheered for returning to their homeland, laughs heard as Black females rushed forward, grasping the hands of their beloved as he past upon his steed. Asch rode motionless, caring little of the